0.6 | First Date

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I smooth out my dress, looking the mirror. He said not to get too dressed up, so I didn't. I wore a simple maroon dress with matching shoes.

 I wore a simple maroon dress with matching shoes

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Her Outfit

"Alex, you're future husband is here!" Amelia shouts.

"Okay!" I laugh.

Knowing Chres will eventually end up coming to my room, I continue doing my makeup. And, as I had assumed, Chresanto walks into my room five minutes later.

"Hurry, lady." He says.

"I'm done now." I set my lipstick back down.

"Well, you look beautiful." He kisses my cheek.

"Thank you." I smile at him.

We tell the kids goodbye before leaving.

"Where are we going, Chres?" I ask, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles.

"To dinner, then to the beach to pass time, and then to a movie." He answers.

"I didn't bring a change of clothes." I tell him.

"I brought you some stuff I bought earlier." He tells me.

"And how did you get my size?" I ask him.

"I asked your cousin." He laughs.

"Oh, well, what'd you get?"

"I got you a bathing suit and something comfortable."

"Is it cute?" I ask.

"I think it is." He nods.

I sit back, looking out the window and continuing to hold his hand. "Are you okay, Alex?"

"Yeah, just looking at the scenery." I nod.

"We're almost there." He promises.

"What type of food is it?" I ask.


"Awe, you do listen." I coo.

"Of course I listen."

I kiss his cheek before sitting the right way in my seat again.

Once we get there, he holds my hand after opening my door, and he doesn't let it go until we make it to the table. He pulls the chair out for me, waiting for me to sit before pushing it. What was Aaliyah thinking? It doesn't get any better than Chres.

"What do you want, Alex?" He asks.

"Crab rangoons for the appetizer and sweet and sour chicken with pork fried rice, please and thank you." I answer.

"What do you want to drink with that?"

"Root bear." I smile.

"Okay." He nods.

"What are you getting?" I ask.

"No idea. What do you think I should get?"

"Egg rolls and orange chicken with chicken chow mein." I answer.

"That doesn't sound too bad." He nods.

"Because it's not." I smile.

"And we're getting dessert later, don't worry about ordering it here." He says.


We place our orders and soon enough, our appetizers are out here. "Try this." I dip the crab rangoon in the sauce, holding it up to Chres' lips. He takes a bite of it and nods.

"That's pretty good." He picks up a egg roll, dipping it in the sauce and holding it to my lips. "Try this."

I take a small bite and nod, telling him that's good too. "You have sauce on your chin." I laugh a little.

He hands me the napkin, letting me wipe it off for him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

He reaches across the table, taking my hand into his. "When's your birthday again?"

"August twenty-fifth, 1991." I answer. "When is yours again?"

"July twenty-fourth, 1989." He smiles.

"You're only two years older." I laugh.

"And a month and a day." He adds.

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