1.8 | Best Friend

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Friday of last week was my last day of school. Get ready for lots of summer updates!

Should I make a Twitter to keep you guys updated? If you do follow me, I will follow back. I'd mostly only make posts that have something to do with my stories. I might do a couple Q&A's and things like that if you guys want.

I found this really great app that pays you to write. It is called Patreon. The only thing is, you need fans to pay. Its only a dollar a month, but not all of you guys have a job.

I'm currently looking for a job, but I'm not having any luck. If I create some works on there, would you guys be willing to pay to read them? If not, I'm just sticking to Wattpad only.

Of course if I do Patreon, I will still be on Wattpad. I will keep every story that is already up on here, but I'd create some new stories specifically for that app.

If I were to get paid because of writing, I do plan to do giveaways, to give back to you guys.

Leave your opinions, I'm stuck between both decisions. I need some help with that.

Enjoy the chapter.

"Where is daddy?" Melody sits on the couch with a pout.

"He's on his way, baby." I promise her.

Today is the father-daughter dance and Chres is running about twenty minutes late getting home. He called about two minutes ago to tell me he had gotten caught in traffic and would be home in about ten minutes.

While Chres and Melody are at the dance, Lorenzo will be going to the movies for mommy and son night.

We're gonna see the new Guardian's of the Galaxy and then go get some food, which is when we'll meet up with Chres and Melody.

"I'm here." Chres hurries into the house.

"You sped." I laugh.

"But I didn't get a ticket or in a car accident, so it's fine." He pecks my lips before running upstairs to change into his suit.

"Don't fall, Chresanto!" I laugh.

"I won't!"

I help Melody with her shoes, and Chres rushes around to get ready.

"Bye, baby. I'll see you in a few hours." He pecks my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smile, hugging him. "Be careful."

"I will. You be careful."

We tell the kids goodbye and we love them then go our separate ways.

"Mommy, this is gonna be awesome." Enzo says from the back seat.

"It is." I nod in agreement.

He talks about his day, and I listen and respond.

"Can you come to my class in Monday for Mommy Day?" He asks.

"Of course." I nod. "Do I need to be there all day?"

"Yes." He nods.

"Okay. I'll tell daddy and call off from work." I promise. I only had one client that day, I can get someone else to take it.

"Yay!" He cheers.

"What do you want for your birthday?" I ask him.

"A new toy car." He answers.

"Okay, anything else?" I ask. I had already a kid car for him.

"Um, a watch."

"A watch?" I ask. He can't even read a clock yet.

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