1.6 | Murder

441 14 3

Opening the door to the hotel room, I hurry inside, seeing Aaliyah sitting on the bed.

"Hey, Lay." I smile, closing and locking the door.

"Hey." She smiles.

She approaches me, wrapping her arms around my waist. My arms slide around her, my hands resting on her lower back.

"I missed you." She tells me.

"I missed you too." I kiss her forehead.

She stretches up, kissing the corner of my lips. I fight the urge to vomit. "I have to use the bathroom." I tell her.

"Okay." She lets me go. "Don't take to long."

"Of course not." I nod. "Maybe you could find something for us to watch?"

"Okay." She nods.

I make my way to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I sigh, getting out my phone.

To: Alex
I'm sorry, baby. I wasn't expecting her to do that. -1:15am

From: Alex
I know. I'm not mad.

To: Alex
I love you.

From: Alex
I love you too.

I make a kissy face at the wall, knowing that there's a camera. She texts me a kissing emoji.

I pocket my phone, flushing the toilet and washing my hands before leaving so she thinks I actually went to the bathroom.

Aaliyah was laid up in the bed, flipping through the channels.

"Lay down with me, baby." She smiles.

I crawl into bed beside her, letting her lay on me.

"Baby, remember how I told you don't ride in the car with Alex for a while?" Aaliyah asks.

I place my hand on her thigh, "Yes."

"Well, specifically tomorrow. Someone is gonna run her off the road." She places a hand on my chest.

"How do you know when she'll be in the car?" I ask.

"I have someone following her. But that's not important." She straddles my waist. "After tomorrow, you're gonna be all mine."

"It's too soon. If you do it know, you'll look suspicious." I tell her, secretly freaking out.

"Are you standing up for her?" Aaliyah starts to get angry.

"No, baby." I reach up to move some of her hair. "I want to be with you. If you go to jail, then I can't be with you anyway."

"Then leave Alex and I'll leave her alone." Aaliyah says.

"Okay. Just give me sometime." I sigh.

"Okay." She looks at me suspiciously. "Kiss me."


"If you still have feelings for me, kiss me." She demands.

"You know how I feel about cheating."

"I had you first." She looks down at me. "Kiss me. Prove that you love me."


"You lied to me!" She tries to get off of me. I quickly pull her into a kiss. She sighs happily, knotting her fingers in my hair.

Where is the maid? They're supposed to be watching. They're supposed to send in someone to make this stop.

"Chres." Aaliyah sighs as we pull away. "I missed you so much."

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