1.4 | Baby

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You guys should go follow JenPen777 She's new to wattpad (and also my cousin.)

My phone rings loudly and Alex stirs. I reach over, picking it up from the table like thing. I check the caller ID, seeing my mother is calling.

I hit the decline button, putting it on the table.

"Who was it?" Alex quietly asks, yawning afterwards.

"My mom." I tell her.

"Why didn't you answer?"

"I didn't want to wake you up." I run my hand through her hair. "You need me to get the doctor?"

"No, just hold me." She tells me.

"Do you remember what happened?" I ask.

"Aaliyah was speeding. A car flashed his lights and then rear ended us. She swerved off the road and then the car started rolling down the hill. She tried to bring it on the road and brought us to the other side instead."

"Do you think Aaliyah had something to do with it?" I ask her.

"I don't know. I find it odd that she was able to walk away without a scratch." Alex sighs. "My throat hurts."

"I'll take care of Aaliyah, you focus on getting better." I kiss her head.


"Get some rest." I cut her off. "I'll call your mom and have her bring the kids to see you."

"I love you."

"I love you, Alex." I get out of bed, kissing her lips.

I stand by the window, calling her mother first.

Then I call a good friend of mine, Ray.


"I need your help." I tell him.

"What's up, bro?"

"I think Aaliyah tried to kill my fiancè." I quietly tell him.

"..What do you need me to do?"

"First, can you get her phone call and text records? And see if she's been doing anything unusual?"

"I'm on it. I'll have everything to you by the end of the day."

"I'm going home in about an hour to get some clothes, can you meet me there?"

"Yep, I'll bring the laptop." He answers.

We hang up and I turn to Alex. She looks into my eyes, and I move over to her.

"What's wrong?" I take her hand.

"Don't do anything stupid." She tells me.

"I won't." I promise.


"Mommy!" Enzo and Melody run to the bed.

"Hey, babies." Alex smiles, moving over a little so they can get in bed beside of us.

"Mommy we brought you food." Melody says.

"Awe, thank you."

"You welcome." Melody smiles, handing Alex the bag she was holding. "Mawmaw cooked it."

"Baby, I have to run home and get some stuff, I'll be right back." I peck her lips before kissing the kids' foreheads.

"Okay. Be careful. I love you."

"I love you too. I'll bring something for dinner." I promise.

"Kay. Call me when you get to our house."

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