1.0 | Together

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"Wait, turn to the side." I tell Chres.

"C'mon, Alex." He groans, doing as told.

I take another picture of him. "Okay, I'm done."

"Thank you."

"Kiss me and stop being a brat." I giggle.

He pecks my lips, standing up and straightening his shirt, he puts another movie in before coming to sit beside me again.

"Honey bun." I coo.

"Yes, sugar bear?" He asks.

"Is there anymore grape juice?"

"Yes." He leans foreward, picking up another bottle of grape juice and handing it to me.

"Thank you." I smile, opening it.

"You're welcome."

"When are my babies coming home?" I ask.

"Our babies are gonna be here in an hour, love." He smiles.

"Good. I missed them."

"Me too." He agrees. "But I've really enjoyed having this time to ourselves."

"So have I." I smile, looking down at my ring.

We've just been cuddling, eating, talking and watching movies, occasionally sharing kisses.

We've decided that we don't want to have our moment or whatever else it could be called, until after we get married. We feel that's the way to make it special.

"I love you." He smiles.

"I love you too." I smile back.

"Are you and Melody going to move in with me?"

"I think we should, since we're getting married soon."

We've also planned a few things for the wedding, like the date. It's a very special date to Chresanto and I, and is six months away.

We're getting married July 3rd, 2017. The day that we will officially be together forever.

That also happens to be my great-grandmother's birthday and Chresanto great-grandfather's birthday.

"Then maybe me, you and the kids should go house hunting, to find something big enough that we all like."

"Can we do that tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yes, Alex." He kisses my cheek.

"Thank you, Chres."

I lay my head on his chest, just in time for the movie to start. I'm glad we get to spend this time together.


"Mama." Melody hugs me.

"Hey, sweetie. Did you have fun with Mamaw?" I hug her back.

"Yeah. We went to the water park." She smiles.

"Wow." I gasp.

I talk to her and Enzo, holding my laugh in as Chresanto sneaks up behind him. "Where's dad?" Enzo asks.

"His coming home date for pushed back another week." I frown. "I'm sorry, guys. I know you miss him."

"It's okay. He'll be home in a week, that's not that long." Enzo smiles, being positive.

Chres grabs both of them, "Rawr!"

"Ah!" They both scream, jumping. They turn, noticing it was Chres. Immediately, they hug him tightly, since he had picked them up. He kisses their cheeks and smiles at them.

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