2.0 | Baby

428 10 16

💛💛 Chresanto is back home 💛💛

Also, this story will be updated every Thursday until further notice.


Chres holds my hair back as I throw up the contents of my stomach.

"Ugh." I groan. "I hate food poisoning."

"I know." He helps me up.

He watches me while I brush my teeth, a different look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask, when I'm finished.

"Nothing's wrong." He answers, looking at my stomach. "But you're pregnant."

"How are you gonna tell me I'm pregnant?" I cross my arms.

"Because you are." He looks down at me. "You have the glow, the morning sickness, the cravings. You're pregnant."

"No I'm not." I laugh. "I've been pregnant before. I think I would know."

"Then take a test and prove me wrong." He shrugs.

"Fine. Go get a test." I shrug back. "And while you're out, get me some olives."

"Okay." He nods. "Gimme lips."

I give him a quick peck. Even though I just brushed my teeth, I was throwing up.

"Hurry up and come home. I want to cuddle." I tell him.

"Of course I'll cuddle with you, my beautiful, pregnant, fiancè." He smiles.

"You're silly." I laugh.

"I'll take the kids, since you're throwing up." He tells me. He leans down, pressing a short kiss to my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smile. "Be careful."

"I will." He promises.

I lay in the bed, watching him put his shoes on to leave.

"I'm ready." Melody runs into the room.

"Me too." Enzo follows.

"Okay. Tell mommy you love her."

They get into the bed, hugging me and kissing my cheek. I hug them back.

"I love you, mommy." They smile.

"I love you, babies. Be good for daddy." I tell them.

"We is always good, mommy." Melody smiles innocently.

"Okay, sure." I nod with a playful smile.

They leave and I flip through the channels. I'm not too worried about taking the tests. I've been pregnant before, I think I would know if I was carrying a baby.

Besides, we've only done anything like that once, which is the time we were at the hotel five weeks ago.

Even if I am pregnant, it's not like we're two teenagers who are completely clueless when it comes to pregnancy and children. We have two kids, and we are planning to have more.

I decide to make myself some lunch, but I end up going way over board. I make fried chicken, French fries, Apple pie and fruit punch.

"It smells really good in here." Chres notes, stepping in the kitchen.

"Thank you, baby." I smile, taking the bag from his hands and going towards the bathroom. I had turned everything off already.

He follows me, waiting in the bathroom while I take them.

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