2.5 | Progress

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Just a little something, since it is Chres' birthday.

Shout out to D_kendrick23

For a shout out, all you have to do is blow up the comments.

Please leave feedback and share this story.

Also, I'm dropping a new story tomorrow. I'm ending four of my old stories, so I decided to publish one in return. The sequels to two of them will be up soon.

Now, there is Haunted, which is a new type of fan fiction. It is about Chresanto, but it's different from my other fan fictions. I'm really excited to publish it.

The description is, 'Our blended, perfect family finally finds out dream house. It turns out to be our worst nightmare.'

The next is Forbidden Love, 'I am an Amar Girl. He is an August boy. We can not love. We can not speak. His family is my family's enemy. We can only hate, but we want to love. And we do. It's our forbidden love, our deadly, forbidden love.'

Vote in the comments and tell me which one you would read. The one with the most votes tomorrow (July 24th) at 4pm, eastern time, will be posted within an hour afterwards.

Okay, enough of me talking, on to the story


"Morning." Alex walks into the kitchen.

"Good morning." I smile at her.

She moved back in after a week, but she's staying in the guest room.

She's wearing her ring again, but we put the wedding planning on hold.

Right now, the main focus is fixing our relationship, our family and getting things together for the baby.

She only moved in so I could help her during her pregnancy.

"Mommy, you help me?" Melody walks into the kitchen, holding a hair tie.

"Yes." Alex grabs the brush, pulling her hair into a pony tail.

Melody takes the brush, leaving the kitchen.

Melody won't talk to me, and if she does, she calls me Mr. Chres.

I deserve that, honestly. But knowing that my princess thinks I don't love her, still hurts.

I shouldn't have told her I wasn't her dad. That wasn't something I should have said to her. I don't honestly feel that way, I only said it out of anger.

Melody is my little princess, she always will be.

I just have to show her that I didn't mean what I said. Just like I have to prove to Alex that I didn't mean what I said.


"How are we today?" The counselor, Mrs. Taylor, asks.

"Good." Alex and I answer in unison.

"I see Alex is wearing the ring again." She notes.

Right now, we're at couples counselling. The kids are with Alex's mom.

I'm not speaking to my mother at the moment. I still talk to my dad, because he's the only one that seemed to be on Alex's side.

I don't know if I'll ever speak to my mother or siblings again.

She almost caused my family to break apart forever.

I mean, we're not all the way fixed yet, but had it not been for the tape, I would have never realized my mom was the liar.

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