2.2 | Recover

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Before this chapter begins, I think I should put a warning here. Towards the end of the chapter, there is strong language used.

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"Wake up, Chres." I coo.

"I'm tired." He groans.

"We have to go check on your friend." I peck his lips. "Come on, let's take a shower before the kids wake up."

"Baby, I don't have the energy for more se-"

"Not for that." I cut him off. "I just want to take a shower with you."

"Okay, cause the four hours last night was enough. Two hours asleep doesn't do anything." He sighs.

We didn't get home until five this morning, and we ended up having sex for the second time.

We didn't go to sleep until almost ten and it's twelve now.

"It's the hormones, babe." I blush.

"I know, mama." He smiles. "Cause you're having my baby."

I smile back, kissing his lips. "I love you."

"I love you more." He gives me a kiss. "And don't get me wrong, I love it, I'm just way to tired right now."

"I know, babe." I assure him.

He smiles, pecking my lips again. "Go start the water. I'll get your clothes."

"Thanks." I stand up, walking towards the bathroom.

"You're welcome, beautiful." He sits up.

I start the shower water, making sure it's just right. I like warm showers, Chres likes hot showers, so I try to get it in between the two.

I brush my teeth before the shower, since I was waiting on the water.

Chres comes in the bathroom, walking to the toilet.

I shut my eyes, cringing. I hate when he does that.


"Yeah." He answers, finishing peeing and then washing his hands.

He brushes his teeth while I get into the shower.

Eventually, he joins me.

"Baby." I smile, wrapping my arms around his waist, looking up at him.

"Yes, sugar bear?" He looks down at me.

"Can I have a kiss?" I ask cutely.

He leans down, giving me a slow kiss. "Love you."

"Love you." I smile up at him.

Chres gives me butterflies still. I feel like that little fifteen year old who just got her first boyfriend and is falling absolutely head over heels in love with him.

Even though we're already engaged. And I'm pregnant. And we have two kids.

I've never dated anyone like him before. Drew was a complete jerk, the guy I was with before him was a nice guy. We actually broke up because he was leaving for college and he didn't want to cheat on me while he was way. That hurt, but at least he was honest.

And then there's Chres. He's never disrespected me in anyway, he's a good father. He's a huge sweetheart. He look kind of mean, but you can definitely see he has a soft spot for family.

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