0.8 | Love

707 20 4

"Baby?" I ask Chres, playing with his hair.


"I'm gonna miss you." I pout.

"I'm gonna miss you too, princess. But I'll be home before you know it." He pecks my lips.

"I love you." I smile.

"I love you, Alex."

"You know, you don't leave until tomorrow. We could have another day with the kids." I place my hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb under his eyes. His skin is really soft, but his hands are rough.

"We could." He nods. "I think we could take them to the park today."

I nod in agreement, my hands moving to his neck. He chuckles, letting me do it. I wrap my legs around his waist, playing with the hairs that hung down on his neck.

My hands move from there to his shoulders, and I massage them a little. My hands run up and down his arms, and I take this time to look at his tattoos. He has an American flag on his bicep, Lorenzo's name on his forearm, an eagle on his other bicep and Royal on his chest. I look behind his ear at the money bag and smile. He told me that was one of his first tattoos.

My hands move to his back, then around his sides to his chest. I trace his very large tattoo, carefully observing it. Whoever did it, did an amazing job.

My hands move to his abs, where he didn't have any tattoos, but he did have a scar. "What happened?" I ask, looking at it.

"I got stabbed. In highschool, I got in a fight over Aaliyah and he pulled a knife out. He stabbed me before I even reacted." Chres answers.

"You and Aaliyah were together for a long time." I state.

"We weren't even dating at the time. I was stupid and infatuated. I thought I loved her, she claimed to love me, but we didn't make it official until college." He answers.


I go back to what I was previously doing. I bring my hands back up, playing in his hair again.

He lowers himself a bit, brushing his lips against mine. He was hovering over me as we laid together in his bed. Melody and I would be staying here with him and Lorenzo until tomorrow, and we'd be staying here for the week Chres was gone.

Rather that kissing me like I was hoping for, he moves his lips to my forehead, placing a gentle kiss there. Then in my nose, both of my cheeks, my chin and the corner of my lips. His lips brush against mine, finally he was about to kiss me. And then Melody woke up and we heard her talking on the baby monitor. Knowing she'd be in here in just seconds, Chres pecked my lips, moving off of me.

I sit up, knowing Melody would want to climb into the bed and she would need help.

As expected, she runs into the room, and I help her onto the bed. She lays between Chres and I, looking at him.

"You wanna go the park today?" I ask.

"With my new daddy and brudda?" She asks.

"Yes." I nod.

"Okay!" She smiles.

"Go ahead and get ready so we can get breakfast." Chres tells us, standing up.

"Okay." Melody looks at me. "Momma, you gon' help me get dressed, right?"

"Yes, sweetie. I'll be right there." I tell her. She runs to the room she was staying in, the guest room.

"I'm gonna go wake up Enzo." Chres smiles.

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