0.3 | Abuse

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"Awe, Chres. This is nice." I coo.

"You like it?" He asks.

"It's amazing." I nod.

"Good." He kisses my cheek.

"I can't believe you took us to Disney World." I smile, shaking my head.

"Well, I'm glad you like it."

"Mommy!" Melody runs into the bedroom part of our hotel room.

I pick her up as Enzo runs to Chresanto. "Do we get to ride rides?" Melody asks.

"Yes, we do." Chres answers before I do. He planned, not me. I have no idea what we're doing.

"Yay!" She cheers.

Drew never takes her places. He leaves her with his mother, but they still won't give me her back. Which is why I'm trying to take them to court.

Melody reaches for Chres and he looks at me. I nod, letting him take her. "Can you make me yum-yum's?" She asks, referring to noodles.

"Yeah. You want some, Enzo?" He looks at his son, who nods. "Alex?"

"Sure." I nod.

Chres takes them to the kitchen and I look around in amazement. I can't believe he took us to Disney Land.

I walk toward the kitchen area, where Chres is opening packs of noodles. He dumps them in the water, setting the sauce aside. Once he has five packs in there, he puts the lid on the pot. He throws the wrappers away, talking to the kids.

"Hey?" Melody asks.

"What's up, Mel?"

"Are you my new daddy?" Melody was happy while asking this. My heart dropped.

"Um, no, sweetie. But I'm your mommy's best friend." He answers.

"But I want you to be my new daddy." She frowns. "My old daddy not love me."

"And my mommy doesn't love me, so Alex should be my new mommy." Enzo adds.

"It's a little more complicated than that, guys. Of course they love you." Chres tells them, giving them his full attention.

"No, my old daddy told me he not love me. But he not want mommy to keep me cause he not love my mommy either." Melody explains. This infurated me.

"Well, he didn't mean it." Chres says.

"No. He did. He hit me too." Melody tells him. "If he's not my daddy anymore, then mommy can keep me."

Chres sighs, running a hand through his hair. "You need to tell your mom this."

I make my presence known by hugging Melody.

"Why didn't you tell mommy?" I ask.

"Cause he said he would hurt you and me, mommy." Melody frowns. "I don't want him to hurt you."

"Honey, you have to tell me this stuff." I sigh. "When does he hit you?"

"When he's red." She means when he is mad.

"And when is that?"

"All the days." She answers.

"How?" I ask.

"Like this." She closes her hand, making a fist.

I pick her up when she starts crying and look at Chres. What am I going to do?


"Well, I could kill him." Chres suggests.

"No, because then you will go to jail." I shake my head. "I have to get her out of there, Chres."

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