2.4 | Finally

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Shout out to brebre0522

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"All rise." The baliff speaks, causing everyone to stand.

He introduces the Judge, Judge Davis.

Then they introduce the case.

"Miss James, you may bring up your first witness." The judge says, after opening statements.

"I call Mister Chresanto August, Misses August's son." He's testifying against me, and he wasn't there?

Chres gets places his hand on the bible, swearing to tell the truth.

"Mister August, where were you when the argument started?" Their lawyer asks.

"I was fixing the shower upstairs with my father." He answers.

"And what made you come downstairs?" She asks.

"My mom started screaming at Alex." He answers.

"And when you got down there, what was happening?"

"My mom said Alex had spit at her, and there was spit on the ground, so I had no reason to not believe her. She said Alex was using racial slurs, and everyone else was saying the same thing." He answers.

"And how long did it take you to get downstairs?"

"Just about fifteen seconds, maybe." He shrugs.

"So they wouldn't have had time to come up with this story?"

"No, ma'am." He shakes his head.


The judge happened to be an African-American woman, and she continued to stare at me every so often, making me sink in my seat. If the Judge believes it, everyone in the jury probably believes it.

Eventually, it's our turn to call up a witness. They decided to surprise everyone, and show the tape last.

"I call Mister August's son, Chresanto Junior to the stand." Tanya stands.

He is lead out, and does the same as Chres. They explained to him if he lies, then he goes to jail. Of course, they wouldn't really send him to jail, they want him to be honest.

"Can you tell me what Alex said to your grandma?" Tanya asks.

"She said color shouldn't matter." He answers. "She told mamaw all of us bleed the same color blood, we have the same bones. Someone should be respected based on how they act as an individual and not be grouped with anyone else."

"And what did mamaw say to that?" Tanya asks.

He laughs a little, "Mamaw called her a cracker. I don't know what that means."

"What else?"

"Something about a redneck. And she said she doesn't have to respect Alex because Alex is beneath her." He answers.


"On what grounds, Miss James?" The judge asks.

"This sounds coached."

"Now I have an objection. Lorenzo hasn't seen Alex at all. The only way this is coached, is it one of you told him to say this." Tanya counters.

"Objection over ruled." The judge announces.

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