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"Chres, can you go with me to meet with my lawyer again?" I ask.

"Yeah. Do you need me to pick you up?" He asks.

"Please, my car won't start."

"I'm on my way, hang tight." He says.

"Be careful." I tell him.

"I will."

Once he gets there, I get in the car and we head to the lawyer's office.


"Alright, now we have evidence of Drew physically abusing Melody, but we can't prove the verbal abuse without something showing it happening." Mr. Johnson, my lawyer, says.

"I can get that." Chres speaks up.


"Friends." He shrugs.

"Well, as long as it's actually what happened, we can use it."

"Cool." He nods.

"Alright, you gave him the court papers, right?" Mr. Johnson asks.

"Yes, when I dropped Melody off."

"And child protective services will be picking her up and bringing her to you today. Drew will be arrested for domestic violence and child abuse." The lawyer explains.

Right then, my phone rings. The lawyer nods, telling me to answer it.


"Hello, is this Alexandria?" The lady asks.

"This is her."

"I'm at the home of your daughter, Melody. We need you to come and get here within the next hour of possible. We can explain everything when you get here."

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