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Hearing a knock on the door, my eyes flutter open. Alex lays on my chest, sleeping peacefully.

Carefully, I get up without waking Alex. I pull on sweat pants, then go get the door.

A lady smiles, a trey of food in front of her. "I'm here to bring breakfast."

I step aside, letting her push the trey in. As she leaves, I thank her.

When she is gone, I wake Alex up.

"Baby, breakfast is here." I yawn, shaking her shoulder. She stretches, yawning as well.

"Good morning." She smiles.

"Good morning, love." I lean down to peck her lips.

She sits up, looking around. "Hand me that, please."

I grab my shirt from the chair, handing it to her.

"Thanks." She heads to the bathroom.

After she comes back, I have our plates together.

She sits sideways on my lap, placing one arm around my neck. I was sitting at the table, waiting for her.

"Are you still tired?" I rub her back with my free hand.

"Yes." She nods with a pout.

"We can take a nap after we eat." I promise.

"No, we have stuff to do. We have see about the gate around the house and yard and new security." She leans into me.

"I was thinking of getting the yard gated in, then the entrance of the gate, so that there is two codes before they can get in." I tell her.

"Huh?" She looks at me.

"You know at stores how there's two doors before you're in the building?" I ask.


"I was thinking about something like that. Getting the yard gated in, then around the entrance, like a rectangle. That way you have to put a code in to get in that gate, and a code to get in the actual yard." I reply.

"Oh." She nods.

I look into her eyes, looking for something.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Nothing. Just thinking." I shake my head.

"Okay." She smiles.

"Nothing between us is going to change, right?" I ask. "I don't want our relationship to start being built around the intimate things, just because of last night."

"Of course it won't be, babe." She kisses my cheek. "We've been together for almost thirteen months. That was our first time, I think built a strong bond with each other."

"Okay. I just don't want us to build everything off of that." I sigh. "That always ends up tearing apart realtionships, and I want us to be together forever."

"We will be." She smiles. "I do have one question though."

"What is it?"

"Did you use anything?" She asks.

"No. I didn't have anything to use. I wasn't planning on that." I admit.

"Oh, okay. I was just wondering." She shrugs.

"Gimme lips." I push my lips out, waiting on my kiss.

*Alex's POV*

"Mommy, can we watch a movie?" Melody asks.

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