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Katie's pov
We got to Central city around 5 o'clock pm.

I stared in awe at the gorgeous city.

"ooh, can we get food. I'm starving" I stated. Felicity laughed at me.

"let's go to Jitters" she said.

Oliver pulled into a cafe looking place.

"coffee" I grinned.

"yep" she answered, as we got out of the car and started walking, well I skipped to the door and walked in.

"Felicity Smoak and Oliver Queen" a tall brunette said walking up to us.

He gave Felicity a hug and shook Oliver's hand.

"hi, I'm Katie" I stated. He turned and looked at me, smiling causing me to smile.

"hello Katie, I'm Barry" he stated.

"Mr Barry, would you like to eat with us" I asked.

"of course" he smirked.

We all ordered then sat down.

Oliver and Felicity sat at their own table leaving Barry and I alone.

"so Barry, Felicity said that you're the F word" I said.

He gave me a really weird look.

"the Flash" I mouthed to him.

"oh, yea" he smiled taking a drink of his coffee.

"I'm huge fan of you" I gushed.

"thanks" he chuckled.

"sorry, I'm such a dork" I stated.

"so am I" he chuckled.

"hey, let's go" Felicity said. I watched her and Oliver leave.

"want to get there quicker" he asked.

"hell yea" I gushed. I hopped on to Barry's back and he speeded to STAR labs.

"that was so cool" I shouted.

"hello, Kat" Caitlin said walking up to me.

"hi Caitlin" I smiled giving her a hug.

"hey guys" Felicity shouted walking in.

"I heard that you discovered a new ability" Caitlin said.

"I'll show you, do you have a roof" I gushed.

"yes, why" she questioned.

"let's go" I said grabbing her hand.

"alright, guys we're headed to the roof" she shouted to the others.

I ran up stairs to the roof, after Caitlin guided me of course.

"watch this" I said walking to the edge.

"is she going to jump, please don't jump, Katie Dawn. You are my favorite cousin, I love you" Felicity ranted.

I faced towards them.

"I'm not going to jump Felicity" I stated.

I pretended to miss my footing and fell.

"Kathrine" Felicity screamed.

I figured out that I can fly 2 days ago.

It's a wind power that I just found out that I had.

I flown back up to see Felicity almost on the verge of tears.

"I hate you so much" Felicity shouted at me.

"I'm sorry" I said holding her in a tight embrace.

"don't ever scare me like that ever again, Kathrine Dawn, I swear I will kill you" she said.

We walked back in.

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