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Katie's pov
"I need a better way to get to him" I said.

"like your dirt bike" Felicity said.

"actually that would be great" I replied.

"wow you have a dirt bike" Cisco asked.

"Yea, it was a gift from Oliver" Felicity said.

"but it's back at my old place" I frowned.

"that's what you think" I heard Oliver shout.

I also heard an engine roar.

"Olly" I shouted running to him and hugging him.

"alrighty, so I have to go. Love you guys" I said hopping on my bike and driving to where Barry is.

"Flash" I called out.

"Katie, I'm in here" he shouted.

"stand back" I stated walking backwards for a head start.

He backed up against the wall.

I started charging up my powers for a 9000 watt electo volt.

I ran and kicked the lock.

It unlocked and Barry got out.

"thank you so much" he said hugging me.

"you are so much welcomed" I giggled.

We pulled apart.

I smiled at him.

"let's head back" he stated.

"wanna lift" I asked.

"sure" he replied.

I grabbed his hand and led him to my dirt bike.

I hopped on and he wrapped his arms around my waist as I started the bike and drove to STAR labs.

We walked in.

"it seems that the damsel became the hero" I stated.

"she likes fairy tales" Felicity stated.

"I'm a nerd" I giggled.

"you're so adorable, Katie" Felicity said squeezing my cheeks.

"stop doing that Fel" I stated.

She didn't so I did what I had to.

I stuck out my tongue.

And licked her hand.

"KATIE" she screamed.

"I said stop" I simply stated.

"Kathrine Dawn" she scolded.

I just laughed at her.

I used to do that so much.

I'd talk alot, that's an understatement I'd talk your ear off.

When I couldn't stop talking Felicity would cover my mouth then I would lick her hand.

Oliver would of taped my mouth shut, literally.

Ahh, I love my wierd ass family.

I smiled at myself remembering my childhood.

"I'm starving" Barry stated.

"took the words out of my mouth" I smiled.

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