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Barry's pov
A week later.
A little twist.

Oliver and Felicity were done visiting so they drove back to Starling city.

Katie however moved here and became a member of the Flash team.

She's a great member of the team.

Honestly I would say everyone loves her.

Even Mr Wells is quite fond of her.

She makes everyone smile.

I could go on and on about how great she is.

I smile to myself.

Right now Katie, Caitlin, Cisco and I are at the park watching a horror movie at a screening.

"I love this movie" Katie smiled grabbing a redvine and biting it.

"oh crap I forgot about this one thing Cisco and I have to do" Caitlin said looking at her phone and getting up.

"but the movie" Cisco whined.

Caitlin gave him a look.

He nods and joins Caitlin.

"that was really weird" Katie giggled.

Oh gawd her giggle is adorable.

"wonder what that was" I stated.

I smiled at her.

"hey Barry" Joe said walking up to us and sitting next to me.

"hi Joe" I replied.

"oh, sorry I didn't know that you were on a date" he said referring to Katie.

"we're not on a date" she stated.

"oh I'm Katie by the way" she smiled.

"sorry Katie, I'm Joe" he said.

"she works with me" I said.

"really, I have never seen her at the station" he questioned.

"not at the office, but she's really helped me with a few cases" I chuckled.

"I just moved here a week ago" she added.

"see, she has her own place why don't you" he joked.

"she has a roommate" I said.

"still doesn't answer my question" he stated.

"I like living with you and Iris and Wally" I said.

"well, we have an extra room. If you want, you can rent it out" she smiled.

"well I'll leave you two" he said getting up and leaving.

"I can't believe I was dumb enough to forget my jacket" she said shivering.

I handed her my jacket.

She looked at me with her gorgeous blue eyes.

And smiled that quarky smile of hers.

Katie's pov
After the movie we headed back to STAR labs.

There was a metahuman that was firing up at an old warehouse.

"do you want me to help you catch him" I asked.

"yea" he said.

I hopped on to Barry's back and he speeded to the warehouse.

"hey hothead, would you mind cooling off" I stated.

"oh hello Flash, Flash's sidekick" he taunted.

" I'll show you a sidekick" I replied.

"ooh I'm shivering with fear" he chuckled.

I tightened my hands into fists.

The guy looked straight into my eyes.

I felt a feeling that I have never felt before.


Hate for the Flash.

Barry's pov
Her eyes turned red.

She turned her head to me.

And threw a lightning bolt at me.

"why is she fighting you" Caitlin asked through my ear piece.

"I think he hypnotised her" I replied.

"I won't fight you" I said to Katie.

She grinned menicly.

"oh Mr speedster, your so weak" she said throwing another ball of lightning.

"a friend once told me, it's not the fact that I'm weak, I love him. Well I love her, I love you" I said walking up to her.

"shut up" she shouted kicking me with an electric charge.

The guy left.

She giggled.

"lies, they're all lies. Barry Allen, there's no such thing as love. So you don't have the capability to love nor anyone else" she stated coldly.

I smiled at her as tears brimmed in my eyes.

"you taught me how to love again by making me love you, Katie I know you love someone just as much" I said walking up to her again.

"you seriously piss me off with your annoying voice" she simply said.

Her eyes glowed and her hair stood up.

She lifted off the ground.

I heard a gunshot.

Katie fell to the ground.

"Katie" I shouted running to her.

I cradled her in my arms.

"Katie, wake up please" I said as tears fell from my eyes.

I looked at the person who shot her.

He started running away.

I won't be able to forget his face.

Joe, some other police men and an ambulance came.

Katie was taken away from me and was taken to the ambulance.

Katie was taken away from me and was taken to the ambulance

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