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Katie's pov
I woke up on a couch, it wasn't Felicity nor Oliver's.

IRIS, of course I fell asleep on...

On Barry.

Awwwwwwee my gosh, he's so cute when he sleeps.

"having fun staring at me while I sleep" he stated a smirk present on his face.

"yes, you snore like my French bulldog" I giggled.

He made an adorable snorting sound.

I scratched under his chin.

"you're too cute Mr Allen" I booped his nose.

"today is a lazy day" he stated stretching.

"yay, I love lazy days" I said throwing my legs across his'. He smiled at me, that stupid smile of his makes my heart melt at his adorableness.

"I'm going to fall back asleep, wake me up when there's food" I said closing my eyes and laying my head down.

Barry's pov

She fell back asleep.

"hey Barr, I'm headed to jitters for my breakfast date with Eddie" Iris said.

"bye" I replied turning on the tv then looking down at Katie, then looking back at Iris, holding a finger to my lips, telling her to be quiet.

Kat lightly snored as Iris smiled then walked out of the front door.

She smiled in her sleep. I wonder what she's dreaming about.

Her eyes fluttered open.

"hello you, how was your little cat nap" I asked.

Katie's pov

I woke up to Barry.

"hello you, how was your little cat nap" he asked.

"It was great" I said sitting up.

"you sleep just like a kitten" he said booping my nose.

"and you sleep like a bulldog" I grinned.

I scooted closer to him.

I studied his facial features.

He had a quirky little smile, his eyes were a gorgeous green.

I felt my heart skip a beat.

I knew I was blushing since I felt my cheeks burn.

I turned my focus to my phone.

Felicity: Katie we need to find you your own place. Oliver is going to pay first month rent for you

"I have to leave, I have to look for an apartment" I stated standing up.

"see you later, Katie" he smiled.

"of course, seeya" I said hugging him quickly and running out.


I drove to the apartment.

I checked all two rooms in it.

I like it.

I called Oliver.

"hey Ollie I found a place where I can live" I spoke.

"Kathrine, I told you to stop calling me that and also, that's terrific. Send me the address and I'll give you the money" he stated.

"thank you, I'll text it to you and Felicity" I replied.

We said our farewells and hung up.

And it is 5 pm.

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