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Katie's pov

Barry and I were in STAR labs talking about.

Well pretty much nothing while baby Cyrus is currently visiting starling city with Felicity.

We just got done fighting another meta and we were still in our suits.

"so, Alix and Cisco are an adorable couple" I smiled.

"glad that you introduced them" he replied grinning.

"and about the rebound thing, I'm completely over Matt. So if you wouldn't mind, I really liked that kiss" I smiled.

"I don't remember a kiss" he chuckled.

"I'd really like to show you some time" I smiled.

He smiled.

"maybe tomorrow 6-ish" he smirked.

I walked over to him.

"are you asking me if I'd go out with you" I laughed.

"no, I'm just asking you to go on a date with me" he grinned.

"just promise me, if this doesn't work out for us. We'll stay friends" I asked.

"Katie, I would never leave you. I promise" he smiled.

"guys, something's going on" Cisco said in our ear pieces.

Barry picked me up and speeded to the cortex.

"yo, is that a portal" I questioned looking at a glowing whole in the middle of the labatory.

Out came Barry.

"Barry" I muttered under my breath.

"Barry I need your help" he stated

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"Barry I need your help" he stated.

"doppelganger" Cisco said.

"awe, he's adorable" I smiled.

He turned to me and his face immediately turned to rage.

He ran to me.

"leave them alone"  he said coldly.

"alright" I rose my hands in defense.

"why is she here" he questioned.

"she, works with us" Barry stated.

"she killed my father in law" the other Barry said.

I covered my mouth.

"she'd never hurt an innocent person" Caitlin defended.

"maybe I should leave" I stated.

"Katie, stay" Barry said grabbing my hand.

"well, I guess in your dimension she's a good person" the other Barry said.

"in your dimension am I a horrible person" I ask.

"the worst" he chuckled.

"well our Katie is pretty much the nicest person ever" Cisco said.

"this is the best day of my life" I giggled.

"why's that" Barry asked.

"there's two Barrys and they're the cutest people ever" I smiled.

"very flattering but I have a wife" other Barry said.

"oh yeah, I'm sorry I got really off topic. What do you need help with" I said.

"my wife was kidnapped by zoom and I came here to get help" he stated.

"alright" Barry said letting go of my hand.

"not without me" I said grabbing his hand again.

"Katie, you're a villain. You can't go" he stated.

"I can wear a wig and take out my lip ring" I stated.

"I won't risk losing you" he said cupping my face in his free hand then kissing my cheek.

"I love you" I stated hugging him.

"I love you too" he said hugging back.

"now,  go save your doppelganger's wife" I laughed.

"how bout when I get back we try that kiss"-

He gave me one last hug and left.


5 hours passed and I stood there waiting for Barry to return.

A few minutes later and Barry popped out of the portal again.

I smiled and ran to him, tackling him in a hug causing the both of us to fall to the floor with a thud.

"missed me much" he chuckled.

"about that kiss thing" I laughed.

He smirked cupping my face in his hands, ghosting his lips on mine.

"stop teasing" I giggled closing the distance between us.

I felt him smile into the kiss.

We pulled apart.

"hello rebound" he chuckled softly.

"hi rebound" I giggled pecking his lips.

I got up and helped him up.

"laser tag, for our first date" I asked.

"how about second, I have special plans for our first" he chuckled.

"StrawBarry" I smiled.

He just stood there smiling like an idiot.

"you're a good kisser" I laughed.

"hey love birds, captain cold is robbing a bank" Cisco said.

"let's go" Barry stated grabbing me and speeding to the bank.

" well we'll well, isn't it the power couple" he chuckled.

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