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Katie's pov
"Barry there's an armed robbery at the bank" Caitlin said.

"I'll go there with you, as your backup" I stated.

"thank you" Barry said.

"of course" I smiled.

I put on my suit and so did Barry. I hopped on to Barry's back and he speeded towards the bank.

We got there in a flash; )

I saw the guys holding a girl hostage.

"let go of her" Barry shouted.

"I'll get her" I whispered.

I turned invisible and grabbed the girl, giving her to Barry.

He speeded out and took her to safety.

I turned back to being visible.

"get her" one shouted.

I electrocuted one of the men running towards me.

The other man I kicked in the side.

"need some help" Barry asked.

"no I got it" I stated.

"wait yea I do" I said pointing at the guy with the money.

He grabbed a rope and tied him up to a pole.

I heard a gun fire and felt a piercing pain in my stomach.

I looked down to see a blood stain on my suit. I put my hands over my injury attempting to not bleed out.

"Kat" he shouted running to me.

"call the police, I'm taking her to a hospital" he said picking me up bridal style.

He speeded to STAR labs.

"Caitlin, Katie was shot in the stomach" he stated as a tear streamed down his cheek. I wiped it with my thumb.

He looked down at me with his green eyes.

I took in all of his features.

It was like I was seeing him for the very first time.

I started tearing up.

"Katie" Felicity shouted running to me.

"how did this happen" she asked.

"I wasn't paying attention to the robber next to me, he had a gun and pretty much shot me" I said laughing at the last part.

"Caitlin, she's bleeding out" she shouted.

Caitlin ran to us. Barry carried me to the lab where she led us to.

He laid me down on a bed.

"I need you to take off your shirt so I can get the bullet out" she stated.

Barry left the room.

I took off my shirt, leaving me in my sports bra.

"alright Katie, I have to get the bullet out so bite this" she said handing me a cloth.

I bit on to it as she got it out. She bandaged me up.

I smiled at her.

"thank you so much" I said hugging her.

Barry came into the room. He smiled at me.

"I'm sorry, that I did this to you" he said.

"it wasn't your fault" I said hugging him tightly.

"I am still sorry" he said breaking the hug.

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