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Katie's pov

I stopped at the sidewalk, digging into my pocket for my keys.

I felt an unsettling feeling.

Right then I was whisked off my feet.

They're speed was just like Barry's but instead of a yellow trail of light.

It was blue.

The speedster stopped.

He turned to me.

He looked very sinister with a full black suit, almost everything about him was the same as the Flash except his mask didn't show any part of his face, instead there were slits where his mouth is.

"what do you want from me" I questioned.

"do you know the Flash" he asked.

"yes" I forced.

"well Kitten, I'm going to need you to kill him" he said, his voice was deep real deep almost demonic.

"no" I simply replied.

I can't possibly kill anyone.

"you will" he stated.

"NO" I shouted at him.

He slapped me across my face.

"you will kill Barry Allen or else all of your close friends will witness you suffering a slow and painful death" he said caressing my cheek.

A tear rolled down my cheek.

"you're asking me to kill one of my closest friends" I stated, more of a question.

"yes, see he really messed up my life" he started.

"so you're messing up his" I questioned.

"you're a smart girl" he stated speeding away.

I dropped to my knees and let the tears flow, his words echoed through my head.

I clenched my hair and screamed in agony as I did lightning shot out of me.

I picked myself up off the ground.

I walked to my apartment and hopped into my car and drove to Iris's.

Hoping Barry was still there.

I walked in and hugged him.

"are you okay, Kat" he questioned.

"just peachy" I smiled releasing him.

"have you been crying" he asked holding my face in hands, his voice full of worry.

"yes, I'm alright now" I pushed.

He hugged me again, tighter than before.

I truly couldn't kill him, he's so caring, he saves people, he's our hero.

He's my hero.

I think I might of just realized how much I love him.

I'm going to have to break him.

"I have to go" I stated running out of the house on the verge of tears.

I drove my car home.

I parked it in front of my apartment.

I got out and walked.

I kept waking until my legs got numb.

I reached the bridge.

I climbed onto the side.

Then made my way to the edge.

I felt a gust of wind.

"Katie" he said.

I couldn't dare to look at him.

"I have to Barry" I stated.

"to save you" I said.

I felt him gently grab my hand.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"I have to save you" he said turning me around.

"I hate you Barry" I stated.

A tear streamed down his cheek.

"I hate how you're so nice, risking your life for this city. I hate you so much" I stated as a sob escaped my lips.

"I hate you for making me love you, I hate how cute you are. You honestly make it so hard" I stated.

He stared at me.

"Kate" he managed.

"I love you" I said.

He got closer to me.

"don't do this" he said.

"I will, to save you" I stated.

"don't Kate" he said getting to where I am.

"he told me to kill you, or have you watch me suffer" I said shakily.

"either way I'm going to lose you" I said barely audible.

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