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Katie's pov

It's been so long since I saw my baby sister.

I looked at her sleeping in my back seat.

I turned to Barry.

"she's my baby" I said  to him.

I pulled in to my apartment complex.

"can she be our baby" he questioned.

I giggled a bit.

"in time, Allen" I smiled.

"can I sleep over, we should really hang out" he smiled.

"sure, can you please carry her inside"

"no meta talk around her, she's not ready for that" I added.

"of course" he grinned opening his door and going to Cyrus.

He picked her up bridal style and followed me inside.

"lay her in my room" I said going to the closet and grabbing my old blanket for her.

Once he layed her down I threw the blanket over her.

I smiled and walked out of my room.

"thanks Barry" I said hugging him.

"you're welcome Katie" he chuckled.

"are you hungry" I asked as we pulled away.

"is that even a question" he smiled.

I laughed at him.

"cookie dough, ice cream and brownies" I smiled.

He smiled.

I ran to my fridge and grabbed the snacks.

He sat on the couch.

I sat next to him with the snacks in hand.

He smiled at me as he grabbed a brownie.

Taking a bite of it, smiling wider.

"did you make these" he asked.

"yep it's my mom's recipe, now don't eat all of them. I'm saving some for Cyrus. They're her favorite" I said getting up with the brownies and putting them in the fridge.

"you cook" Barry asked.

"yep" I smiled sitting back down in my previous spot.

"you're so perfect" he gawked.

"I can already hear Joe now" he added.

"that's so" I questioned.

Just then Alix bursts through the door and I shush her by putting a finger to my lips.

"sorry, I just got off work" she said laying on top of me.

"here's my other baby" I giggled hugging Alix.

"I want food" she said.

I scooped out some ice cream and fed it to her.

She smiled at me.

"look who's up" Alix inquired.

I looked over to see Cyrus.

She walked in to the kitchen.

"there's some brownies in the fridge" I stated.

"are they ones that you made" she questioned.

"only the best for my baby sister" I giggled.

I shoved Alix off my lap so Cyrus could sit.

"just like dad makes them, except for the fact they aren't burnt" she smiled taking a bite.

"I'm gonna take Alix to her room so she can sleep" I said helping her up and getting her to her bed safely.

I smiled at her and walked back.

"I really missed you C-cee" I said hugging her tightly.

"Felicity texted me that she's visiting tomorrow" she grinned.

I smiled at her.

Felicity: I'm visiting tomorrow💕

Kitty: that's great

"yep, she texted me also" I laughed.

Barry grabbed me and sat me on his lap.

He held me against his chest.

"awe, OTP" Cyrus said laughing.

I yawned.

"I think it's bedtime" he chuckled softly.

"Cyrus, go to my room, put on pajamas. You can sleep in my room" I said.

"Barry" I cooed.

"Katie" he hummed.

"I'm gonna go to bed" I said trying to get up.

"lay here with me" he pleaded.

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