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Alix's pov

I woke up in my room with a horrid head ache.

"ugh. Again with the freaking head aches.." I groaned getting out of bed.

I walked down to where Cisco was working on some gun looking thingie.

I didn't really care at that point.

"hey Alix. You ok?" Cisco asked looking up from his gadget.

"Huh? Oh yeah just a headache."

"oh. That sucks. I'll try to keep it down ok?" Cisco placed his hand on my thigh and smiled

I knew he cared. It was nice to know someone cared.

"thanks Cisco." I layed my head back in the chair while Cisco continued to work.

Just then I had an idea.

"you know cisco, I've always liked guys with guns"

Cisco looked up at me with a cute dorky smile on his face

"then you should see my Nerf collection" he winked

"I would love to see it" I winked back with a smile

"maybe later tonight then?"

"like... A date?" I asked hoping it was

"like a date. " he smiled.


It was almost 7 o'clock and I was trying to figure out what to wear

"Katie what do you think?" I asked holding up one of my plain t-shirts

"are you kidding me? It's your first date with Cisco! Come on in sure you got a dress or something!!"

"well... I have this one.. " I grabbed my black dress with light blue patterns and designs at the bottom fadding into black the higher it went to the top.

"perfect! And how about your leather jacket to go with it!" Katie said grabbing it and throwing it to me

"thanks Katie. "

"and you can barrow my blue high heels"

"again thanks. "

I quickly got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror

"OK... Let's see.. " I curled my hair and put on a electric blue lipstick.

"Alix!! Cisco's here!!" shouted Katie

"coming!" I shouted back as I came out of my room and walked down the hall.

"woah." Cisco said in awe.

"woah." I said looking at him

Cisco had his hair slicked back and had a tux on with a Star Wars T-shirt under it

"you look... Amazing." Cisco said walking over to me

"same for you" I replied smiling

"d'aww so cute " Katie said ruining the moment "oh uh. You should get outta here and go have fun" Katie winked as she ushered us out the door.

"so, are we heading to your place?" I asked turning to Cisco.

"not yet. I'm thinking.. A quick dinner. Cause I'm starved!"

"same here. Let's go."


After dinner we headed to Cisco's

"nice place Coco."

"Coco?" asked Cisco.

"just a nickname I came up with.... I'll try to come up with something better."

Cisco hugged me from behind and buried his face in my neck

"it's perfect lix."

I giggled "is lix my nickname for you now?"

"Mm-hm" he nodded

"Coco... "


"can we shoot each other with Nerf guns now?"

"you read my mind" Cisco said running upstairs and coming back down with two large Nerf guns and vests.

"let's do this. "

I grabbed a gun and before Cisco could move I shot him right in the middle of his chest.

"boom!!" I shouted in victory.

"no fair Alix! I wasn't ready!!" he replied shooting me but missed only by a bit though.

"nice shot. But you aren't gonna win!!"

"no your not!" shouted Cisco as we started firing


After hours of Nerf war me and Cisco fell onto the couch out of breath

"damn your good. " Cisco said breathing heavily.

"thanks cutie" I quickly covered my mouth blushing.

"what was that?" asked Cisco with this adorable grin.

Damn it! Why is he so cute!!!

"n-nothing. "

"oh really? Cause I think you just called me cutie, " Cisco said crawling over to me.

I blushed looking up at his piercing brown eyes looking down into mine.

"n-no I didn't... I-I mean I think your cute and all..but.. I.. Umm.. "

There was no way of making this situation better.

But something happened that I thought would never happen

Cisco kissed me.

Right there on his couch.

My eyes widened as he passionately kissed me.

His kiss tasted like candy and honey and many other sweet things.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

I swore we stayed like that for what felt like hours till Cisco pulled away both of us out of breath.

"that was amazing Cisco.. " I muttered blushing deeply.

"Alix.. " Cisco said in a voice that sent chills down my spine.


"I love you. "

"I love you too Cisco. "

Cisco layed down next to me on his couch and for the rest of the night we cuddled and watched movie after movie till we fell asleep some time during Alien v. s predator.

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