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Katie's pov
He got closer to me.

He engulfed me in a hug.

"you're not going to lose me" he said into my hair.

"I knew that you were too weak to kill him" his demonic voice blared.

I let go of Barry.

"it's not the fact that I'm weak, I love him" I stated.

"that's why I'm saving him" I said running and leaping off the ledge.

"Katie" Barry screamed.

"that pathetic human won't be able to stop me" I heard him chuckle.

I flew to the other side of the bridge.

When I looked up I saw him lifting Barry a significant amount of feet by his throat.

Barry looked over at me.

I got a head start and started running, charging my electricity.

I punched Zoom with an overcharged electo volt.

Sending him and Barry to the ground.

I helped Barry up, he was covered in cuts and bruises.

"I'm sorry" I said holding his face in my hands.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you" I said as tears poured out of my eyes.

He started to cry along with me.

"Katie I'm alright" he said.

"well I'm glad that you're safe" I smiled leaning my forehead against his.

"I'm glad you are safe also" he replied.

I helped him off the ground.

He started to limp so I helped him to my car and drove him to STAR labs.

"Caitlin, we need your help" I shouted walking in to the lab.

She ran to us.

She ran tests on him and bandaged him up.

I was tired so I fell asleep in one of the chairs.

Cisco's pov
As Katie was asleep Caitlin patched up Barry.

We walked over to wake her up.

Once my hand made contact with her arm I got a vibe.

Barry and her were full on fighting it was obvious that she wasn't in control of herself.

She was shot in the chest by someone and fell to the ground almost instantly.

Barry cradled her in his arms.

He was crying over her.

I let go of her.

I stared at her, I need to save her.

Katie's pov
Cisco stared at me for a minute or two.

"hey are you alright dude" I asked waving a hand in his face.

"y yea" he stuttered.

"he had a vibe I think" Caitlin stated.

"did you vibe Katie" Barry questioned.

"yes" he replied.

"was it Eel or was it Katie" Barry questioned.

"both, she almost dies" Cisco answered.

"we have to prevent it somehow" Felicity stated.

"no, let's not mess with fate. Plus he even said that I almost die, Barry probably saved me and, also I heal quick" I said mater of factly.

"you were full on fighting with Barry" Cisco stated.

Barry and I exchanged glances.

"really, like full on Eelectra vs Flash action" I questioned.

"yeah" he answered.

"I would never hurt Barry like that" I stated.

"I guess we could put these on you" Caitlin stated holding up two bracelets.

"what do they do" I asked.

"suppress powers" she stated.

I smiled at her and gave her a hug.

"what would I do without you" I muttered.

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