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Katie's pov

I chased after the streak, knowing he went to the roof.

I ran after him.

When I reached the roof he wasn't there.

"Barry, come on. The pizza is getting cold" I shouted.

He speeded up to me.

"stop taunting me" I said.

" you're cute when you get mad" he chuckled.

"I'm not the one that's cute" I smiled.

He smirked picking me up bridal style then speeding back to my living room.

He sat me down on my couch.

I stood up and grabbed the pizza box as he sat down in my spot.

I sat on his lap.

"am I comfortable" he chuckled grabbing a slice of pizza.

He wrapped his arm around my stomach.

I turned to look at Barry.

I smiled at him.

"very" I simply replied.

I intertwined my hand with his.

He turned on the TV and played the movie.
Time skip 2 hours

Caitlin called a few hours into the movie.

Barry grabbed the phone since I was busy with the popcorn.

"Hello?......uh-huh.. OK.. Ok, got it.  Be right there." Barry said.

Barry hung up the phone and told me to hurry up and get ready because we had to go down to S.T.A.R labs.

"why what's going on?" I asked getting off his lap and gathering my things "not exactly sure but Caitlin said she needed us to get down there now."

"got it.  Let's go." I said rushing out the door but Barry grabbed my arm and told me to hop on his back.

So I did and we super speeded down to the lab.

"oh god.. Yeah totally not use to that. " I said getting off of his back and almost throwing up "woah Katie you ok?" Barry asked placing his hand on my back "yeah. Yeah don't worry. Come on let's go. "

We ran into star labs seeing the whole place is smoking "Woah. What happened?!" I asked looking around "uh,...dont worry Katie just some short circuits." "CISCO! SHORT CIRCUITS!? THE PLACE IS SMOKING! YOU HAD TO OF BLOWEN SOMETHING UP!!"

Just then Caitlin walked in.

"oh good you're here. So yeah this is clearly why I called you here. I just don't know what to do right now. I mean all this tech stuff? I don't know what I'm doing and Cisco's not gonna be able to fix all this! I just don't know what to do!"

I went over to Catlin and wrapped my arms around her in a hug "hey. It's gonna be OK Caitlin...I might know someone who could help... " I said.

I pulled out my phone and called Alix.

"hey what's up Kat?"

"you need to get down to STAR labs."

"star labs? I thought I wasn't allowed in"

"because I don't need you to be freaking out, but I need you down here now. You may be able to help"

"wait help? Really!? Awesome! I'm on my way!"

And with that we both hung up and in about a few minutes she was here, almost like she had super speed. ;)

Right when Alix walked in I couldn't help but notice Cisco staring in awe at Alix and it was clear, that it was love at first sight for him but I don't think Alix notices due to her wanting to know what happened to all the technology her eyes scanned all the damages.


Alix's pov

I quickly scanned the damge "SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK- oh god I'm shouting aren't I.. So so sorry!!" I felt my face heat up with embarrassment

"it's fine Lee. But could you help fix up this at all?" Kat questioned.

"what are you trying to insult me?  Of course I can!" I quickly began rushing around checking all the different systems that wern't totally wreaked and while rushing around I bumped into a guy about my height and clearly cute.

"oh jeez.  I'm sorry." I looked up at him and blushed. 

Oh god he's cute.  With his shoulder length curled brown hair and tanned skin and his eyes.  I felt so... Safe.  Just looking into them.

"Um...I'm Cisco" replied the guy named Cisco.

"I'm Alix. Nice to meetcha."

"so,  you want to Um help me fix all of this" he smiled.

"yeah,  of course " I blushed a bit as I helped him but I couldn't help noticing that he was blushing a bit too.

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