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Barry's pov

Snart shot his cold gun at us.

"give it up" Katie said.

She thrown an electro volt at him.

It reflected and struck her back.

She went flying backwards.

"Katie" I shouted.

"she shot an over powered elecric ball she needed a charge so it reflected and struck her right back" he chuckled.

"she heals fast doesn't she" he inquired.

I looked back at her, she was in a large amount of pain.

I couldn't help her with out finishing Snart.

"she does, you don't" I said punching him.

I threw more punches at him.

He shot ice at me.

"bait" he chuckled running off.

I turned back to Katie and ran to her.

She was bleeding and electricity was flowing through her body.

She stayed still, her breathing stopped.

"Katie say something" I pleaded shaking her a bit.

"owwwwwwwwch" she muttered.

"Katie" I shouted hugging her.

"owwwwwwwwie" she whined.

"sorry" I said releasing her.

"don't stop hugging me" she smiled.

I embraced her again.

"are you okay" I asked.

"I think my electricity is gone" she cried.

"I'll take you to the labatory so we can see" I said pecking her lips.

I held her tightly as I speeded to STAR labs.

She changed out of her suit.

She stood outside the door in a shorts bra and shorts.

I heard her crying.

"are you alright" I asked.

Her blue eyes met mine.

"I love saving people, my powers are gone. I can't fight anymore. I'm too weak" she cried.

I wipped away her blood with my thumb and cupped her face.

"you're strong with and without powers. You're a trained assassin. Heck, you have more fighting skills then I do" I chuckled.

"I love you" she smiled kissing me.

"I love you so much, Kathrine Dawn Smoak" I grinned leaning my forehead against hers.

"Katie, we need to test you" Caitlin said.

She got up and walked to the lab.

Caitlin ran basic tests on her.

"negative" Caitlin stated.

"your powers are gone" she added.

Katie's pov

I started tearing up.

I looked into a mirror seeing the white drain from my hair.

I grabbed at my hair.

"why is it turning brown" Barry questioned.

"the electric quality in her hair stained it white" Cisco stated.

"you're still beautiful" Barry said.

He kissed the top of my head.

I looked into his gorgeous green eyes.

"really" I asked.

"very" he smiled.

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