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Katie's pov
"I'm starving, can we get some food please" I asked.

"Kitten, you were just shot in the stomach and you want food now" Felicity questioned.

"I heal fast and I am hungry" I stated causing people to laugh.

I smiled at them.

"is sushi good for you" Barry asked.

"oh my gosh, I love you. Let's get sushi" I said excitedly.

"first you need to get out of your super suit" I added.

"here's a sweater by the way" Caitlin said handing me a black STAR labs sweater.

I put it on and thanked her.

Barry did a little spin around and got his clothes back on.

"let's get sushi" I sang.

We arrived at the sushi place and Barry ordered for me and himself.

He smiled at me.

"I'm guessing you come here often" I stated.

"Yea, I like sushi. But I don't eat it to much" he replied stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"hey Barr" a girl said from behind us.

I turned to her. I sent her a sweet smile.

"hey Iris" he said smiling.

"who's your female friend" she asked referring to me causing me to giggle.

"hello, I'm Kathrine, you can call me Katie though" I smiled.

"how did you and Barry meet" she asked.

I gave Barry a look asking him if she knew. He nodded.

"I'm Felicity's cousin" I stated.

"oh, well Wally and I were going to have a horror movie marathon. You guys should come along" she smiled.

"who's Wally" I asked.

"my brother" she replied.

"Yea, sounds fun" Barry said.

"so let's go" I stated grabbing his hand.

I ran to my car still holding Barry's hand.

I looked down at our intertwined hands.

"sorry" I stated letting go of his hand.

"your fine" he smiled.

"you drive" I stated.

"why me" he asked.

"you know this city better" I stated.

He hopped in to the drivers seat and turned on my car then started driving to Iris's house.

We arrived at her driveway.

"hi guys" Iris said as we walked in. She gave Barry and I a hug.

"so what are we watching first" I asked.

"Dracula" she stated.

"sweet I love that one" I said walking to her couch.

I plopped down on the couch.

Iris brought us popcorn.

Barry sat next to me as Iris sat with her brother.

I layed my head on his shoulder.

He looked down at me with a smile.

I smiled back at him.

"are you comfy" he asked wrapping an arm around me.

I snuggled deeper into the crook of his neck.

"very" I smiled.

And I fell asleep two movies in.

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