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Katie's pov

The fight was done, the meta was put in a prison.

I hopped on to my bike and drove back.

Afterwards I drove home to get ready for a job interview.

I took a quick look in the mirror, threw my hair into a neatly messed up bun

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I took a quick look in the mirror, threw my hair into a neatly messed up bun.

Once I was satisfied with my outfit and hair I did my makeup which was only eyeliner and a nude lipstick.

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

I felt a gust of wind and the Flash appeared.

"well hi flash" I said to the scarlet dressed boy.

"hey Miss, where are you headed to" he questioned.

"I have an interview, I'm getting a job so I can pay rent" I answered.

He smiled at me for a second just before saying something else.

"is that why you're all dressed up" he asked.

"kinda" I smile.

"well you look great" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"very smooth, scarlet speedster" I say as a small giggle slipped.

"well sorry, that it's so shocking to see you dressed up" he chuckled.

"oh, you have jokes now" I giggled.

"oh, I always have jokes" he chuckled.

"I have to go or I'll be late" I said.

"I'll give you a lift" he smirked.

"don't you have saving to do" I questioned raising a brow.

"not without you" he smiled.

"you're lucky you're cute or else I would say no, plus I'm going to be late if I drive" I said pointing at him.

"where to" he questioned.

"central city's magazine" I said.

"alright" he said whisking me off my feet bridal style.

He speeded with me in his arms.

I clutched my bag.

He got there.

He smiled at me as he allowed me to stand on my feet.

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