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Katie's pov

I woke up in my apartment.

I drove to STAR labs to see if there's a way to get my powers back.

I ran in seeing Caitlin looking at my X-rays.

"hey Caitlin, where's Barry" I questioned.

"at his work" she answered.

I ran back to my car and drove to the CCPD.

I walked in.

"where's Barry" I asked Joe.

"are you a friend of his"

"it's me, Katie" I stated.

"I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, with the brown hair"

"it's OK, I even don't recognize myself" I laugh.

"well, he's up in his office" he stated.

I ran up the stairs.

I wanted to surprise him.

He was working on some paperwork.

I came up from behind him and gently blew on the back of his neck.

He turned around.

"Katie" he groaned.

"you love me though" I laughed kissing his nose.

"I do" he pecked my cheek.

"I need help" I stated.

A clearly concerned look was on his face.

"with my powers" I added.

"Katie" he muttered.

"I know, Barry I want to be able to fight by your side. I want to be with you. I don't want to be your sidekick, I want to be your partner. I need my powers so I'm not weak. I know I can't stand up to these metas as Katie, I have to be Eelectra" I rambled.

"Katie, I can't just give you powers, you know that. And you can't just get electrocuted again. I will do whatever it takes to get" he stated.

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