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Katie's pov
I woke up in my apartment.

I got up and started to get ready for a morning jog.

To jitters.

I wore an outfit that I'd normally wear for training.

I locked my door and started to jog.

I jogged all the way to jitters.

"hey Iris, can you please give me my usual" I asked smiling.

She returned the smile.

"here you go" she stated setting a grande frapachino and a banana nut muffin.

"thank you" I said handing her a twenty.

"whatever left is your tip" I smiled.

"well thank you miss" she giggled.

"so, I heard that you and Barry have been hanging out a lot" she said.

"Yea, he's a little dork" I smiled to myself.

"I saw that" Iris pointed at me.

"what, I didn't do anything" I exclaimed.

"that smile, you smiled" she said.

"so, a girl can't smile" I questioned.

"well yes, but you like him" she said nudging me.

"no" I stated taking a bite of the muffin.

"you do, it's so obvious" she said.

"well I have to get to work, TTYL" I said grabbing my food and leaving.

I walked home and put my muffin in my fridge and the coffee in the microwave.

"phone" my roommate shouted.

"I'll get it" I stated.

"hey Katie, Barry needs your help" she said through the phone.

"I'll be there in a flash" I giggled hanging up.

"Alix, I'm going out I'd probably be back around 7" I stated running out.

I ran all the way to my car and drove to STAR labs.

I walked in.

"where is he" I asked.

"is that Katie" I heard Barry say through the speaker.

"no, it's Santa Claus" I said.

"stop being sarcastic and help him" Caitlin stated.

I walked over to them.

"Barry's stuck in a box, only 9000 nano volts would disable it"

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