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Katie's pov
After my first day of work I drove to STAR labs.

Barry wasn't there.

"where's Barry" I questioned.

"he stormed out a while ago" Caitlin stated.

I looked down at my shoes trying to hold back the tears.

"was he mad" I asked.

"he was being a total and complete ass" Cisco said.

"he yelled at me last night" I said.

"why" Caitlin asked.

I couldn't hold back the tears for very much longer.

"Katie" Caitlin asked running to my side.

"he called me a whore" I sobbed.

"that doesn't sound like him" Cisco stated.

"it seriously doesn't make any sense" I cried.


Time skip: 2 days

I heard Barry run into my apartment.

He knocked on my door.

"Katie" he started.

"what do you want Barry" I asked.

"please, let me in. I need to apologise" he said.

I walked up to my door.

I opened the door seeing Barry, his normally gorgeous green eyes were red and puffy.

He's been crying a lot, his hair was all messy.

He still looked cute though.

I seriously cannot be mad at him.

"Barry" I said covering my mouth with my hand.

"I'm so sorry for what I did, emotions that were bottled up inside of me. Oliver had to fight me to save me" he said.

"now don't say that you didnt mean any of what you said, I don't like being lied to" I muttered as my lip quivered.

"I did mean some of it, but I would never call you a whore" he stated.

"Barr, you kissed me. You made me feel like someone loves me. My boyfriend, I. I caught him cheating on me with my old friend. We, I broke up with him" I said as tears fell from my eyes.

"oh Katie, I had no idea" he said engulfing me in a hug.

"no, no you didn't. I didn't tell you. I really like you, I'm not ready for a new relationship and I don't want you to be my rebound" I said.

"how about we stay here, order pizza, have a few drinks and a marathon of Christmas movies" he smiled.

"you make it so hard to be mad at you" I said kissing his nose.

I took out my phone and called the pizza place.

Ordered a large cheese pizza.

"pick the first movie as I pay for the pizza" I said running downstairs.

"hey Barry, is my wallet up stairs" I asked.

He speeded down with my wallet in his hand.

"the pizza guy is gonna be here in about fifteen minutes so give me my wallet" I say.

"in that case" he smirked extending his arm so I couldn't reach it.

"Barry Allen give me the wallet, or I will..." I trailed.

"or you'll" he questioned as his smirk grew.

"this" I said tackling him to the ground.

I straddled him.

My hands were firmly on his chest.

He tried to reverse the situation.

"Barry, I train with Oliver. You really think you're gonna pull a fast one on me" I laughed.

"no, but I know you. You're a softie" he smirked.

As he said softie he started tickling me.

I let out a squeal and he took the chance and pinned me down.

"that's not fair" I said.

"seems fair to me" he said leaning closer.

Our noses were touching.

There was a knock.

"pizza" I shouted.

Barry got up and answered it, shoving my wallet in his pocket, handing the guy money from his own wallet.

I smiled at him.

"Barry" I said smiling to myself.

He sat down the pizza.

"wallet" I said holding out my hand.

"gotta catch up to me first" he grinned and in a blink of an eye he was gone.

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