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Cisco's pov

I smiled seeing everything fixed by the gorgeous, Alix.

She was an adorable and very quarky nerd.

I could tell that she was going to fit in well with the Flash team.

"ayye Cisco" Katie said tapping my shoulder about to literally making me jump.

"hi Katie" I stated turning around.

"why are you starring at her" she questioned.

"what I'm not starring at Alix" I stammered.

"I knew that, by the way you're drooling" she stated patting my chin to close my mouth.

She walked away going up to Alix.

Alix giggled at something she said.

I smiled and chuckled at her cuteness.

Barry's pov

I didn't know what to really do since the technology thing was never really my strongest subject so I just stayed back watching as everything played right before my eyes

After Alix and Cisco fixed up everything I went over to Cisco while the girls chatted.

"so, got everything up and running?" I asked.

"yep, Katie talked to me about Alix" he announced.

I smiled hearing her name.

"Yea it's so clear that you like her" I chuckled.

"who!?" he questioned in his 'cover up' voice.

"Alix" I smirked.

"not as much as you like Katie" he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I felt a blush work it's way to my cheeks.

"Barry Allen are you blushing" Caitlin said making her way into the conversation.

"no" I announced.

"yes you are dont lie to me!" Caitlin replied raising her face slightly with a slight smirk on her face.

"who's lying?" asked Katie as she and Alix walked into the room

"Mr. Barry Allen is trying to lie to me. " replied Caitlin as she crossed her arms

I knew she wasn't mad at me and she was just playing around but how long could she keep this up?

Alix's pov

After getting everything fixed up and such Katie grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the area we were then saying that she was gonna give me a tour of the labs.

"cool." I said giggling a bit as she dragged me along.

"so, Cisco was checking you out earlier" she stated, mater of factly.

"whhhaaattt??  Psh.  No way I mean,  just, pshhhh." I replied trying to act all cool and shit but it clearly wasn't working due to Katie having her 'really?' face.

"it's so obvious he likes you, even more obvious that you like him" she giggled.

"...is it really THAT obvious?" I replied blushing slightly.

"it's not that obvious, and Barry doesn't have super speed" she replied sarcasticly.

"god. Sometimes you can be such a dick. But I still love Yea like a sister. " I smiled.

"hey, you really remind me of my little sister. She always had boy trouble, just like you and me" she said smiling to herself.

"hey,  I have boy trouble you just need my help.  Just one little push to get you and Barry dating" I stated.

"I don't know why you would say that, I don't like him. I mean, I'm gonna go talk to him. Ya know to see if he wants to hang out later" she said running off.

I rolled my eyes and smiled "have fun with that Katie!!" I shouted after she took off running

I was quickly getting board and that's when I noticed Cisco playing with some kind of well, thing since I really couldn't see it.

I walked over to him in curiosity "Whatcha got there Cisco?" I asked looking over his shoulder

"just something I've been working on in my free time.  Nothing big really.  Why do you ask Caitl-" as Cisco turned in his chair his face intently reddened seeing that I wasn't who he thought I was

"soo,  I'm Caitlin now?" I asked with a small smile on my face.

As if it was on cue Caitlin comes in screaming.

"Caitlin calm the hell down" Katie yelled running after her.

"what happened" both Cisco and I said concerned.

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