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Katie's pov

Barry and I got back to STAR labs.

My phone buzzed in my pocket.

"hello" I said pulling it to my ear.

"hey Katie" an overly excited Cyrus said.

"C-cee, how's your second year of college going" I questioned.

"great, guess what" she said, I could tell that she was smiling through the phone.


"it's winter break and I'm flying in to central city to visit you and Felicity" she said.





"text me when you arrive, love you sis"

"love you too sister" she said hanging up the phone.

I smiled.

"you have a sister" Barry asked.

"yes, she's my 18 year old, baby sister that's visiting tonight" I answered.

"you need a ride" he questioned.

"no, since I'll be picking up my baby girl" I said walking out of the cortex.

"I'll be home around 10, Cyrus is sleeping in the spare room" I said hugging Alix.

I ran to my car.

Barry texted me.

StrawBarry: can I come with

KatieKat: sure, now get your speedy ass over here

He speeded to my car and hopped in passenger.

"when we get to the airport you're hopping in the back" I said starting my car.

"why" he practically whined.

I smiled at him.

"she's my baby" I giggled.

"I'm a baby too" he grinned poking his cheeks making an adorable face.

"yes you are" I giggled pinching his cheek.

"but she's my baby sister and you may be an adorable baby but Cyrus is cuter" I added.

"no" he said crossing his arms.

Since we were at a red light.

I went through my pictures finding one of Cyrus.

"she looks alot like our mother" I said tearing up

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"she looks alot like our mother" I said tearing up.

"we both have our mother's eyes, she looks more like her though. Everytime I see Cyrus she looks more and more like her" I said as tears fell.

"I'm guessing you really miss your mom" Barry said.

"yeah, she died when I was eight, C-cee was only two. She doesn't really remember her" I said stepping on the gass.

"I miss mine too" he said setting his hand on my free one.

I intertwined our hands.

We arrived at the airport.

I ran in to the airport.

"Kitty" a girl shouted.

I turned around seeing Cyrus.

"C-cee" I said hugging her.

"who's that" she asked looking at Barry.

"that's my b-"

"boyfriend? About time" she cut me off.

"best friend, Cyrus I'm still single" I stated.

"wait, he's single" she said.

"he's also way too old for you" I replied.

"plus I already have an eye on a girl" he smirked.

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