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Katie's pov

I felt so numb.

After the anger all I felt was numbness.

I would start crying if I was awake.

I'm pretty sure that I'm unconscious.

I kept hearing a muffled voice.

It sounded like Barry.

It got clearer to me.

"a friend once told me, it's not the fact that I'm weak, I love him. Well I love her, I love you"

I wanted to say it love you back.

I just want to wake up.

I want to see him.

"you taught me how to love again by making me love you, Katie I know you love someone just as much"

His voice echoed.

I woke up for a bit.

A pain struck in my back shoulder.

Not this again.

I was shot again.

"Katie, wake up please"

Here I am back in to the darkness.

I could still hear Barry and sirens, I felt someone carrying me.

"Katie I'm here"

Barry stated.

I felt his hand intertwine with mine.

Wake up.

Wake up

Don't give up.


Fight for Felicity.

For Oliver.



Fight for Barry.

Don't die.

Don't lose hope.



Feels like the first time hearing his name.

Wake up.

Kathrine wake up.

Come on.

I forced my eyes open.

Followed behind heavy breathing.

"I...can't.....breath" I tried to grasp a breath.

"Katie's awake" Caitlin shouted in excitement.

My breathing settled down.

"where's Barry" I asked.

I looked to my side seeing him.

His eyes were really red and had bags under them, probably from lack of sleep.

"oh I missed you dork" I said hugging his waist.

"I missed you too" he said patting my head.

"I missed you nerds also" I said looking at Caitlin and Cisco.

Felicity ran in.

"your awake" she shouted running to me and embracing me in a warm hug.

Felicity released me.

"you know, Barry never left your side. Every day after missions he would sit there, never leaving you alone" Caitlin stated.

I looked up at Barry with probably the biggest smile ever.

Everyone except Barry left.

I stared at him.

"I'm glad that you're awake" he said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"me too" I smiled.

I leaned closer to him and grabbed his hand.

"please don't leave me" I said holding his hand with both of my hands.

"I won't" he said leaning, cupping my face and kissing the top of my head.

I put my hand on top of his.

"you're such a loveable dork" I whispered leaning my forehead against his.

"so are you" he chuckled.

This boy is killing me.

"hey Barry" I said softly.

"Yea, Katie" he replied.

"I'm hungry" I giggled.

"me too" he chuckled.

Caitlin walked in.

Barry leaped off the bed.

Scaring the living shit outa me.

He scratched the back of his neck as if he was nervous.

"Barry are you okay, you're acting wierd" she asked.

"I always act weird" he replied.

I stood up.

I walked to Caitlin.

"I need food" I stated.

"well you have been in a coma for a good two weeks " Caitlin said.

I turned to Barry who was yawning.

"you've been sitting there for two weeks" I asked.

"yea" he yawned.

"big belly burger" she questioned.

"yes please" I smile.

She smiled and left to get the food.

I looked Barry was and he was sound asleep in the bed.

I smiled and sat down on the chair next to him.

"Katie, Barry, there's a meta" Cisco shouted.

Barry didn't wake up.

I kissed his cheek and ran to Cisco.

"he's asleep, send him when he wakes up" I said hopping on my dirt bike and driving to the spot.

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