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Katie's pov

We heard clawing in the ceiling.

Barry had a great idea to get a broom and wack it.

The tile from the ceiling fell and out came a bat.

It flew right to Caitlin.

She ran screaming and flailing her arms.

I chased after her.

She ran into Cisco's lab.

"Caitlin calm the hell down" I shouted running after her.

"what happened" both Alix and Cisco said looking at each other and back to us.

"there was a bat" Barry said.

"that boy had the best idea to hit it with a broom, out it came and attacked Caitlin" I explained.

She calmed down and I grabbed the bat and released it out side.

Alix and Cisco lost it, they were on the floor laughing.

Barry's  pov

I felt like a total idiot

Grabbing a broom? For a tiny bat? 

And ontop of that, 

Caitlin's pissed at me for,  'almost getting her killed by bat germs'

Katie went over to me

"hey,  it's not your fault.  It's the bat's fault for getting in here" Katie placed her hand on my shoulder. I glanced down at her and saw her beautiful face. She had the cutest smile and her eyes made me melt everytime I look into them.

"thanks katie"

"no problem Barry" she planted a small kiss on my cheek and left, leaving me standing there blushing like a gawking idiot.

Katie's pov

"look, he's gawking at you" Alix laughed.

I turned around to look at him, he just stood there smiling like an idiot.

I looked down at my shoes and smiled.

"that boy is driving me crazy" I whispered to my self.

"what was that" Alix asked.

"nothing" I said hiding my smile and turning back around.

"surrre" she smirked.

I hid my face, I knew I was blushing.

There was a weird theme song playing.

"that's my meta human app" Cisco said holding up his phone.

"there's metas in the park" Caitlin said.

" let's go" I shouted.

I put on my suit and waited for Barry.

Once he had it on, he told me to hop on his back and I did.

As he speeded I clutched onto him like I was a koala bear.

"you can let go now" he chuckled.

"no, I rather not" I said hugging him tightly.

"Katie, you're safe" he chuckled.

I released my grip.

"so who are we fighting?" I questioned.

"we're going to fight that meta" he said pointing at a guy with Cisco's freeze gun.

"he's going to freeze the city" I shouted.

"obviously Eelectra" he chuckled.

"hello Flash, Flash's side kick" the guy snarled.

"I am not a side kick" I growled folding my arms over my chest.

"I brought a friend also" he said as a guy stepped into view, this time with a heat wave gun.

"shit, there's two" I stated.

"awe your girlfriend is scared" the bald man chuckled.

"she's my partner" Barry defended.

"let's just fight" the cold guy said.

"calm down frosty" I laughed.

He glared at me then looked at hot head.

Hot head nodded then they both started to fire at us.

I threw an electro volt at hot head as Barry went to fight frosty

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I threw an electro volt at hot head as Barry went to fight frosty.

Barry's pov

"who is she" Snark asked.

"EelectraFreeze" I answered.

"she's small, Heatwave is going to crush her" he stated.

"I would never let that happen" I said throwing a punch.

"look, I can tell that she means a lot to you. Keep an eye on her. She'd be great bait for you" he informed.

"hey Flash, you need help with frosty" she asked running up to me.

"where's Heatwave" I asked.

"right over there" she said motioning to a frozen statue.

She was swirling his gun around her finger.

"you win flash" he said defrosting heatwave and leaving.

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