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Katie's pov
"so, she's a meta" Barry said.

"yep, I'm a metahuman. I'm a weirdo who got attacked by an electric eel and became

EelectraFreeze" I said.

"that's pretty cool" Barry said.

"okay I'm kinda cool. But you are Barry Allen the fastest man alive" I stated.

"awe he's blushing" Oliver chuckled.

I looked at  Barry, he was indeed blushing, it was so freaking cute.

"I'm not blushing, it's, it's just. Um. Really hot in this sweatshirt" he stammered taking off his sweatshirt.

"and I totally forgot that I wasn't wearing a shirt underneath" he stated pulling back on his sweatshirt.

"are you still hot" I questioned.

"yea" he answered.

I grabbed his hand and led him outside.

"hold my hands" I said.

He hesitated.

"trust me" I smiled.

"alright, Katie" he said grabbing my hand.

"now close your eyes" I said.

"I don't see how-"

"just do it" I giggled.

He closed his eyes as a chuckle left his lips.

"now think of your favorite Christmas memory" I said.

I manipulated the sky to a point where it started snowing.

"now open them" I said. He did and his smile grew.

Felicity's pov

I could tell that she liked Barry by her little quarks that she does when she's around a guy she likes.

Barry has his little quarks also, like his loss of words and him blushing.

I walked to where Katie and Barry were.
She was showing him her powers.

They were smiling and laughing.

"ayye, come inside you two" I shouted.

They ran over to me.

I waited till Barry was out if ear range.

"you guys are so adorable" I gushed.

"he is, I mean, urr no. Pshh" she stammered.

"I know you, and I know that you totally like him" I stated.

"no, I literally just met him, I can't possibly like him. Well I do, only as a friend. He's the Flash" she defended.

I just smiled and walked with her to where everyone else was.

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