Chapter 8

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"Harry what the fuck are you doing?" I heard a woman's -well girls- voice yell from downstairs me and Harry's faces went pale and we looked at eachother. "HARRY!?" She yelled and Harry and I quickly got dressed. "Harry, who is that?" I whispered and Harry sighed. "My sister Gemma, but she wasn't supposed to be back until last week." He said confused. I nodded and we walked downstairs. I wasn't able to look at Gemma. "Harry this is my boyfriend John... Who is this and what were you two doing?" She asked and my cheeks started to heat up.

"This is Autumn, she lives here... We were playing a game and I lost so I screamed." He said. Gemma raised her eyebrows but then nodded. "Nice to meet you Autumn." She said with a sweet smile on her face. I smiled back at her and nodded. "Well it's late and I'm really tired... It was nice to meet you but I'm off to bed." I said and Gemma nodded and smiled at me. "Wanna hang out tomorrow?" Harry asked and I shook my head no. "Sorry, I already prommised Ashton, Calum, Luke and Michael I'd watch them reherse." I said and Harry nodded. "Goodnight." I said with a smile and a little wave. Gemma and John smiled at me and waved back. "Goodnight." Harry said and I smiled again before walking upstairs.

I sighed and put on my pokemon pyjama's. I climbed into my bed and snuggled into the blanket, slowly drifting off to sleep.


My phone ringing woke me. I groaned and looked at the clock on my nightstand, ten past telve!? I never sleep in this late! I'm going to be late. I sighed and picked up my phone.

"Hi?" I said.

"Hey Autumn!"

"Oh hi Michael!"

"You're watching us reherse later, right?"


"Want me to pick you up?"

"Sure Michael. Thanks!"

"No problem babe. I'll pick you up at one."

"Okay, bye."


I quickly got into the shower and washed my body and hair. I practically jumped out of the shower and practically jumped out, blowdrying it and letting it do whatever it wanted too. I put on some clothes and looked at myself in the mirror.

My outfit was okay. "Make-up." I mumbled to myself. I walked back into the bathroom and applied a little foundation, bronzer, blush, mascara and eyeliner. I heard the doorbell ring and quickly put on my shoes. "AUTUMN A GUY NAMED MICHAEL IS HERE FOR YOU!" Gemma yelled. "COMING!" I yelled back. I ran downstairs and slid a white beanie over my head. "Ready?" Luke asked and I nodded. "Bye Gemma." I said with a smile taking Michael's hand.

We hopped into Michael's car and the music started playing. I knew this song! I love this song! I couldn't help but sing along. "Stay for tonight, if you want to I can show you what my dreams are made of as I'm dreaming of your face..." I started and closed my eyes, singing along to the rest of the songs. Once I was done I saw Michael was smiling at me. "What?" I giggled. "You're a really good singer." He said and I blushed. "Thanks." I giggled and he focussed back on the road.

"GUYS WE'RE HERE!" Michael yelled and all the boys smiled. "Ready?" Calum asked and everyone nodded. I smiled as the song began. "This song is called out of my limit by the way." Calum said winking and I blushed. "Back in high school we used to take it slow." He started. The song was amazing and all their voices were perfect together.

"Guys that was amazing!" I cheered as I jumped up and down. The boys all chuckled. "There's this thing, it's sort of a concert with new bands, would you like to come with us? It's about an hour away." Ashton said with that adorable smile of his. "OMG! YES!" I squealed and they chuckled. "You're so adorable." Luke said tapping my nose. I giggled and looked to my left to find Ashton staring at me. "Autumn, can I talk to you really quickly? In private?" Ashton asked and I smiled and nodded. "Sure Ash." I said walking outside with Ashton following me.

"So what did you wanna ta-" I was cut of my Ashton's lips on mine. My eyes widened and I didn't know what to do. Should I stop him? But his lips felt so good on mine... so I kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Kissing him felt so... right. He pulled back after a while and smirked. He turned around and walked back inside.

Leaving me there speachless.

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