Chapter 21

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We walked into the crowded house, full of people I've never met before. I adjusted my bracelets and we all walked in. "Do you want something to drink?" Luke asked me and I nodded. "Yeah." I said. "Okay, I'll be right back. Stay here." He told me and I nodded before he walked off, only to come back with two beers about two minutes later. I smiled and thanked him before taking one beer from his hand. I took a sip and me and the boys walked towards an empty couch. We drank some more until I heard a way to fermiliar voice.

"Hello princess." His british accent rung through my ears. "Fuck off Max" I snapped and he looked at me up and down, biting his lip. "I'll see you around than." He said with a wink before walking away. Max is my ex-boyfriend. He's the bad boy that drinks and does drugs... sometimes he'd even hit me. "I need another drink." I mumbled to myself before walking into the also crowded kitchen where I drank alot of alchohol.

Okay, it's official: I am extremely drunk. I can't speak or walk proparly. I tripped and a guy with black hair and green eyes catched me. "Watch where you're going babe." He said with a wink. "S-s-soorryy." I said. He chuckled and I walked away. "Asshhttoooonnnn!" I yelled when I saw him. I wrapped my arms around him and he chuckled. "How much have you been drinking, Autumn?" He asked and I shrug my shoulders, giving him an innocent look. "I-I don't knoow" I said and he sighed. "I'm going to get the boys, come on." He said taking my hand and I nodded. "O-Okayy." I said and followed him.

Boys whistled at me and I giggled. We came to Michael, Calum and Luke and I smiled. "I miisssed youuu." I whined, hugging them. "Yep, we're going home." Michael breathed out. "No I d-don't want toooo." I whined and Michael sighed, "You're drunk Autumn, come on now." He said and I crossed my arms like a ten year old. "If you want it that way.." Luke mumbled before throwing me over his shoulder. I kicked him three times but after he didn't respond I just hung there until he put me in the car and I fell asleep in the car.


I woke up by Michael's snoring with a mayor headache. I groaned and threw a pillow at Michael. "Shut the fuck up!" I groaned, than groaned again because I was yelling and my head hurt like hell. "Someone's hungover..." Calum breathed out and I shot him a death glare. Michael sighed, got up and got back about five minutes later with two pills and a glass of water. "Thanks." I mumbled before taking the pain killers. I layed back down again and waited for the pills to kik in. When they did I got into the shower, washed my hair and body, got out, got dressed and walked back into the bedroom where I took my make-up bag and walked back into the bathroom. I put on some light make-up and walked into the bedroom again. I dropped down next to Ashton. I sat inbetween his legs and both of our legs were on the bed. My back rested on his chest and I was took my phone to see if I had missed anything.

I got a couple of missed calls and messages but from no one important. I sighed when I saw Harry had called me 7 times. I clicked on his number and called him back.

"What do you want Harry?"


"You're so fucking annoying Harry." I snapped.

"C'mon babe, you know you want me."

"Only in your dreams."

"Believe me in my dreams you really, really want me. But you also always get me so come here I'm horny."

"Than go jerk yourself off or something."

"That's not the same, babe."

"You're disgusting Harry."

"Come over, my mom isn't home until 10 tonight and Gemma is spending the day with her boyfriend so come over."

"Harry fu-"

"Unless you want everyone to see the pictures I took when you were riding me." I could fucking hear he was smirking.

"You wouldn't..."

"Yes I would now come over."

He hung up and tears started to brim in my eyes. I got my bag and got up. "I uhm... I gotta..uh...go." I said softly before walking towards Harry.

I fucking hate my life sometimes...

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