Chapter 28

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I pushed open the kitchen door, walking into the livingroom. The boys' heads shot up and looked at me as tears streamed down my face. "What did he do, love?" Harry asked trying to sound calm but it came out angry. "N-nothing, Harry." I said running out of the door and up the stairs. I ran into my room and sat down on my bed, letting the soothing sound of rain tapping against my window help put me to sleep.

My door opened, waking me up. "Are you okay, love?" I heard Harry's sweet voice ask me. I shook my head no and he pulled me into a hug, allowing me to cry into his chest. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me and I shook my head no again. "That's fine, babe." He said placing a sweet kiss on top of my head.

"Harry?" I asked as I layed on his chest and he stared at the sceiling. "Yes?" I took a deep breath. "Why do you hate me sometimes and than you're all nice. I mean sometimes I feel like you're bipolar or something, like now you're this really sweet and caring guy and at other moments you just hate me, I guess." He took a deep breath and held me a little tighter.

"I've always had a crush on you..." He admits causing me to chuckle. "Yeah right." I said not really believing him. "It's just... my previous girlfriend Taylor used me to get popular and I really liked her, loved her even. And than she broke up with me, telling me she's been cheating on me for our whole relationship... I just don't want to be hurt anymore, Autumn. I guess I'm mean to you so you wont talk to me... so I can't fall for you." He said softly and I looked up at him.

Maybe it was the moment or maybe it was the emotion in his eyes but I believed him. The way he said it... it just sounded so truthfull he couldn't be lying because no one is able to fake emotions like that. I looked at him and he looked away. I don't know what got into me when I did it but for some reason I did it: I put my pointer finger under his chin, forcing him to look at me. He tried to look away from my eyes but he couldn't so he looked into them and I could tell he was telling the truth.

"I wont hurt you." I whispered and pressed my lips against his.

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