Chapter 31

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Harry's POV

"I dare you to kiss me." Autumn told Zayn and my eyes widened, well that hurt... He smirked at her and I swear I wanted to punch that smirk right off of his face. The smirk on his face fucking grew wider when he fucking kissed her. Their lips moved in sync and before I knew it I saw his tongue slide over her lower lip. I pulled him off of her. "Why would you do that?" I asked Autumn as tears started to brim in the corner of my eyes. "Are you serious Harry! You're such a hypocrite! You did the same fucking thing." She snapped clearly upset, I could see it by the tears in her eyes. "I-I'm sorry." I mumbled and she shook her head.

"Whatever Harry." She said annoyed. "No, Autumn you shouldn't have kissed Zayn." I said stubborn. "YOU DID THE SAME THING WITH THAT BLONDE BIMBO OVER THERE MAYBE YOU SHOULD FUCKING CALL HER, HUH HARRY!? YOU HAVE HER NUMBER RIGHT!? I GET IT HARRY I'LL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face. I hated to see her like this.

"Are you kidding, Autumn? I love everything about you. I love how you make me smile whenever I talk to you even when I'm not with you. I love how you make me feel complete. I love how we laugh together and enjoy being together. I love the way you're adorable all the time, even when you're mad at me. I just love you so, so, so much Autumn, you mean everything to me. So don't you ever think you're not good enough for me." She sniffled and hugged me tight. "I love you so much, Harry." She whispered and I smiled.

"I love you too princess." I told her truthfully, bringing our lips together.

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