Chapter 26

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I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. I pulled back slowly, not sure if I wanted to and just stared into his eyes. "I'm so sorry." I whispered before running away, back to the house. I ran inside to be greeted by Harry walking down the stairs. "Hey, Autumn, what's wrong?" He asked and I bit my lip. Should I tell him? No he doesn't care he's just curious. I sighed at my thoughts and ran past him up the stairs, closing and locking my bedroom door before sliding down it until my bum hit the floor. I burried my head in my hands but I didn't cry as I usually would. I was really confused and hurt right now. Everything just being way too complicated for me. I took deep breaths, trying to calm down. I felt like I was crying and had to calm myself down even though I wasn't, I wasn't crying I just sat there, thinking about everything. Why is my life so complicated?

I got up, slowly getting into bed, I cuddled up into the blankets and eventually drifted off to sleep.

I woke up feeling lifeless. I felt like I didn't feel anything to be honest... I guess I was just empty inside, nothing but a body. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, sitting up in my bed. I glanced at my alarm clock, telling me it was now four in the afternoon. I stood up and unlocked my door before walking downstairs, towards my kitchen. I walked into the livingroom to be ignored by Niall, getting dirty looks from Zayn, a sympathetic looking Liam and Louis looking at me like I was dirt... The empty feeling inside me got replaced by hurt and sadness. Wait where's Harry? I decided to try and ignore the boys. I walked into the kitchen and took myself a bowl of noodles.

"Are you sure you're going to eat that?" Louis said with a chuckle. "You might want to put the food down, you're already fat." Ouch, that one hurt. I looked down at my feet, not wanting to make eye contact.

"Fucking look at me when I talk to you." He snapped slapping me across the face, emediatly flashes of my dad ran through my mind. The burning feeling in my cheek wasn't the worst. It was like all the emotional scars got ripped open and started hurting and bleeding worse than ever. Tears streamed down my face but I didn't make a sound out of habbit: my dad would always beat me up and if I made a sound he'd beat me up even more.

I looked up quietly and he just shook his head before. "Pathetic slut." He said. More tears ran down my cheeks. "Fucking stop crying." He said, his hand once again coming in contact with my cheek. The buring feeling got worst and I ran past him as fast as I could I saw Liam stand up as soon as he saw I was crying and holding my cheek. I don't know what got into me but I ran into his arms, I burried my face into his chest, sobbing. "Shhhh." He sothingly cooed as he stroke my hair. "What's wrong, love?" He asked concerned. "L-Louis h-hit me." I said pulling out his chest. His eyes widened at the sight of my cheek, it was probably extremely red.

Liam gently sat me down on the couch when Louis walked in. Liam walked up to him, ready to pounch him. "Please don't hurt him." My voice cracked. Liam looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "P-please." I whispered. His angry expression softened and he flashed me a weak smile. I smiled back weakly and looked down. "What the hell is going on?" I heard Harry's raspy voice say as a door opened. I looked up at him and his eyes shot to my cheek.

He ran upto me and examined my burning cheek. "Who did this to you?" He whispered, concern, hurt and angry written all over his face. I just looked down. "Autumn, who did this to you?" His voices was a little louder but yet still a whisper. I didn't answer. Not to protect Louis I just wasn't able to due to the huge lump in my throat.

"WHO FUCKING DID THIS TO HER!?" Harry suddenly shouted, causing me to jump a little. Liam glared at Louis. "He did." Liam told Harry through gritted teeth, pointing at Louis. Harry's face turned more angry than I ever saw before. He walked upto Louis, punching him repeatedly before I could stop him. Flashes of my dad hitting my mum flashed through my mind but I couldn't say anything. I burried my head in my hands as I heard the painfull groans and the sound of fists coliding with a face. I felt a had behind my back, rubbing soothing circles.

I finally dared to look at Liam, he pulled me onto his lap, I hid my head in his chest. "Shhh. It's okay baby. I'm right here." He whispered and I nodded, feeling safe in his arms. I don't know why I felt so safe, but I did...

Harry threw one last pounch at Louis, he walked upto us and cupped my cheek so I looked at him.

"If he ever hurts you again, in any way. You tell me, okay? I'll protect you." He whispered planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

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