Chapter 16

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"Princess, plea-" I cut him of. "Justin... please don't say anything..." I whispered, finally getting out of his grip and walking away. I turned around one last time to find Justin crying and burrying his face in his hands as he sat down at a chair in starbucks. Maybe he does care... Snap out of it Autumn. He doesn't give a fuck about you. No one does. I thought to myself causing a tear to roll down my cheek so I walked until I came to my car. I got in and sniffled, driving home.

I got all of my bags and walked inside. I put the keys to the car on the dresser and walked up the stairs. Harry's shoulder bumped into mine. "Get out of the way, slut." He spat and I ran to my room crying. I locked the door behind me and slid down the door until my bum touched the ground. I was crying hystarically and didn't care who could hear me. I walked into the bathroom and took the small blade I had taken from my pencil sharpener. I haven't done this in a while. I took a deep breath and pressed the blade to my wrist and slid it to the right I did this very many times. The blood was streaming down my cuts as the tears rolled down my cheeks.

I took my phone and called the only person I could think off. The person who wouldn't make fun of me if he accidentally saw my cuts. Because I knew he had them too.



"Autumn? I haven't heard from you in a long time. What's wrong?"

"I really need someone to talk to right now." I cried out and it stayed quiet for a bit.

"I'll be right there." He told me.

"Thank you.." I whispered before hanging up.

The doorbell rang and I heard the door open. "Hello, mate." Harry said. "What are you doing here?" Harry asked. "I'm here for Autumn." He spoke and I heard Harry chuckle. "Why would you want to see that wast of space? Are you banging her or something?" Harry asked laughing. I heard shuffling and than footsteps on the stairs. I quickly put on alot of bracelets and heard a knock on the door. "Autumn, it's me." His sweet voice was heard. I opened the door and his smile dropped and turned into a woried expression. He pulled me into a hug. "Autumn, what's wrong?" He asked me and I sniffled. We walked into my room and we sat down on the couch I had in my room.

"What did you wanna talk about?" He asked me nicely. I took his hand, covered in bracelets and turned his arm around. I took of his brafcelets and he yanked his arm back emediatly, covering his wrist. "I won't judge you..." I whispered and took his arm agai, tracing the cuts on his wrists with my fingers. "Please don't think I'm some sort of freak... it's just... I harm myself becau-" I cut him off. "Because it's the only pain you can controle..." I whispered, looking up from his wrists to find him staring at me. "How'd you know?" He whispered but I ignored him. "And the sad part is that everyone thinks you're happy, isn't it?" I spoke and he nodded. I could see he wasn't able to speak. He was holding back tears and I looked back at his wrists. "It's okay not to be okay." I whispered. I looked back up at him and tears escaped from his eyes. "Do they know?" I asked him, refering to the other boys. He shook his head no.

"Everyone hates me." I suddenly said as tears rolled down my cheeks. He pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest as I told him everything. My dad beating me, being bullied all the time, hating my life, my mom killing herself, wanting to die... "Don't think like that..." He whispered and I shrug my shoulders. "It's not like anyone would miss me... everyone hates me anyways." I said and he kissed the top of my head. "I don't hate you... and neither do the other boys." He said and I started to chuckle. "Y'all don't like just feel bad for me. At least Harry and Louis dare to show it." I cried out. "I cry myself to sleep every night and no one cares! People don't see how I'm already dead inside! they all hate me without a reason. They call me names and hit me! Like that didn't happen enough at home! I hate my life! I-... I'm just so done." I cried out. "Come on Autumn... please don't think like this... you're so strong an-" I cut him off.


".. and now I hate me too." I whispered softly.

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