Chapter 15

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I was crying hystarically, screaming and sobbing. Calum rubbed my back. We've been here for two hours while the doctors were trying to save her. "Are you related to Marie Cooper?" The nurse asked. "I'm her daughter..." I sobbed and Calum rubbed circles on my back. "And you?" She asked Calum. "I'm not... I'm just her daughters friend." He said and I flashed a weak smile. "I'm sorry to say this..." The nurse started and tears streamed down my face. "No..." I whispered. "I'm sorry for your loss." She said and I stood up. "NO YOU'RE NOT! YOU COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT MY MOM!" I cried and her eyes widened at my outburst. "Ma'am calm do-" I interrupted her. "I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! DID YOU EVEN TRY TO SAVE MY MUM, HUH? DID YOU! NO YOU DIDN'T BESAUSE IF YOU DID SHE WOULD STILL BE ALIVE!" I screamed with tears flowing down my face. I ran out of the hospital. "AUTUMN!" I heard Calum yell before footsteps followed me.

"AUTUMN, STOP!" Calum yelled. I turned around. "Calm down." He whispered, getting some hair out of my face. "I can't just calm down Calum!" I cried out and he cupped my cheeks, forcing me to look at him. "Autumn, calm down." He said and I sniffled. He pulled me into a hug and I sighed. "I'm just done with everyone leaving me, Cal..." I sobbed. "I'll never leave you, Autumn." He whispered and I pushed him off of me gently. "That's what they all say." I whispered before walking off, leaving him there stunned. I didn't look back. I just walked away, the tears were streaming down my face as I cried silently with my head down. I finally reached the house and entered.

"Hey Autumn!" Gemma cheered and I looked up from the ground. "Oh my god, Autumn, what's wrong?" She asked with a concerned look on her face. "I-I-" I was cut of by my own tears and ran upstairs, locking myself in my room. I let myself fall on my bed and sobbed into my pillow while eventually crying myself to sleep.

*three weeks later*

I woke up with a huge headache, since I have been crying myself to sleep the last three weeks. I walked into the bathroom. I looked like shit: my mascara was running, my hair looked as if a bird made it's nest in it, I looked exausted and I felt like shit. "Why does everybody leave?" I whispered to myself and a tear rolled down my cheek. I didn't like this because I felt weaker than usual. You could actually see I was weak right now. I always hid it because I didn't want to anyone to know how broken and dead I was on the inside. I took a make-up whipe and whiped of al of my smudged make-up.

I got into the shower and did my usual shower routine. I got out, dried my body and put on an outfit. I wanted change so I decided I'd dress up like a 'badass' and than go to the mall and change myself. I just felt like I had to let it out in a way and since I already hated myself I thought why not change the way I look?

I did my make-up and slid on my combat boots. I took a random bag from my closet, took my phone from the bedside table and unlocked my door before walking downstairs. "Hey Anne." I said leaning against the doorframe. "Hey sweety, how are you feeling?" I shrugged. "Can I borrow your car? I want to go to the mall." I said and she nodded and handed me the keys. "Do you want me to call Harry so you wont be alone?" She asked and I shook my head. "It's okay." I said and she flashed me a weak smile. I turned around and walked towards the car.


I had been into a lot of stores. I bought a lot of clothes, underwear, hairproducts, accessories, make-up and shoes. I was getting pretty tired and suddenly girls started screaming and running. I turned my head to the direction they were running at. "JUSTIN BIEBER!" One girl screamed and my body froze. I quickly walked into the quiet starbucks and ordered a coffee. I sat down on a table, just playing with my phone and listening to my music. "Princess?" I heard someone say over the screaming girls. I looked up and turned pale. "Princess please talk to me." He begged walking over with the girls following him, giving me dirty looks. "Justin... please leave me alone..." I said softly before walking away. He held my wrist and turned me around, causing me to come a little closer than I wanted too. "Justin... I-" I was cut of my Justin's soft lips on mine and the sound of girls crying. I pushed Justin off with tears in my eyes. "Please don't make this any harder than it already is." I sniffled and he looked at me, cupping my cheeks. "Princess don't cry." He said and I finally looked up again. He was crying. Why was he crying?

"Please princess, don't cry." He said with a sniffle and I looked away. "Please don't be mad at me. I can't handle it if you're mad at me." He said through sobs. "Please forgive me." He whispered and another tear ran down my cheeks. Justin was crying and sobbing, looking at me with hope.

"I don't know if I can Justin..." I whispered, looking at the ground.

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