Chapter Two

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     When they got to the park, they found the nearest bench and sat down. Cynthia and Tyler both sighed at the same time. They both giggled. "So," Tyler said. "Did you want to bring me here for a specific reason?"

    "Actually, yes, there is." Tyler looked at her. She sighed. "God, I can't believe I'm about to do this," she quietly muttered to herself. She took a deep breath. "The truth is, from the day I met you, I've always thought you're a really cool guy. I always liked you as a best friend. But now... I feel like I might feel more towards you.

    "Tyler Joseph, I l-"

    "Guys!" Tyler and Cynthia both turned their heads and saw Josh running towards them. "Josh? What's he doing here?" Cynthia asked. Tyler shrugged. "I'm as confused as you are."

    Josh eventually reached them, out of breath. "Guys. You won't believe what just happened."


    "So, when Tyler left, I decided to go and walk around the park to get some fresh air. As I was walking, I bumped into someone. She apologized, then looked up at me. She said, 'Josh Dun?' I said, 'That's me.' She looked really cool. She then started saying how much she loved our music. Then she said how much she loved me." Cynthia looked over at Tyler and gave him a look that said, I think I know who he's talking about. Tyler gave her a look that said, I think I know, too. They looked back at Josh. "When she said that, I was startled. I didn't realize that someone loved me. Well, you know, besides my family. Anyway. She looked startled, too, and her face turned red, as if she immediately regretted telling me that. She turned to walk away, but I said, 'Wait! Please don't go.' She turned around and under the moonlight, she looked beautiful. I could tell she was still embarrassed, so I hugged her. I whispered, into her ear, 'I like you, too. I have for a while. I just never knew how to tell you.' Then she pulled away, grabbed my face, and kissed me." Cynthia gave Tyler a look that said, Okay, now I definitely know who he's talking about. Tyler gave her a look that said, Me, too.

    Both Tyler and Josh have met Gracie before. It was at one of their concerts. Neither Cynthia nor Tyler would ever have expected Josh to fall in love with Gracie. That's why they were shocked when he said this.

    "When will we get to meet this girl?" Tyler asked with a grin. "Uh, right now, actually." Gracie sprang forward. "Hey, guys," she said, with her usual bubbliness. "So, are you guys dating now?" Cynthia asked. "Yup."

    "Wow. Huh. Honestly did not see that one coming." Cynthia smiled. She knew how much Gracie loved Josh, so for this to be happening must have been like a dream come true.

    "Well, it's getting late. I guess we should probably start heading home," Tyler said. "Yeah, I guess. You guys coming?"

    "Nah. We're gonna stay here for a little longer," Josh replied. "Okay. Well, see ya." Tyler and Cynthia started walking back home.

    When they got home, Cynthia yawned. "You tired?" Tyler asked with a smile. "Kinda," Cynthia said. "I'm not physically tired. I'm just emotionally tired. If that makes sense. Which it probably doesn't."

    "It makes perfect sense. I guess we should probably start getting ready for bed. Even if we're not going to bed."

    "Yeah, I guess." They both headed upstairs and got their pajamas out. Cynthia went into the bathroom to change first, then Tyler. When they were both done, they sat down on the bed, cross-legged, facing each other. "So, what was it you were going to tell me in the park?" Tyler asked. "Oh. Well... I was going to tell you that I... love you." Tyler stared at her. She put her head down in her hands and said, "I probably shouldn't have told you that because now you're going to say that you don't feel the same way..." He lifted her head up and rested his forehead against hers. "Say that again," he whispered. "I love you."    

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