Chapter Fifteen

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     The car slowed to a stop as Jenna said, "We're here." They all looked out of the windows, at her house. "How did you afford such a nice house when you work at Hot Topic?" Gracie asked. Cynthia hit her arm and said, "Dude!"

     "Cynthia, it's fine," Jenna said. Cynthia relaxed in her seat. "This actually used to be my mom's house before she moved out. She let me have it."

     "Cool. Wait. Who's gonna look after it during tour?"

     "My cousin." They all got out of the car and began to walk towards the house. Jenna took her keys out of her pocket and unlocked the front door. She opened it and yelled, "I'm home!" A woman who looked to be Jenna's age ran down the stairs and stopped in front of Jenna. She took out her earbuds and hugged her. Once she pulled away, she looked at Cynthia, Gracie, Tyler, and Josh. "Jenna?"


     "Is that Twenty One Pilots with their girlfriends?"

     "Yeah. Guys, this is my cousin, Isabelle. She's a really big fan, in case you couldn't already tell from We Don't Believe What's On TV pouring out of her earbuds and her TOP hoodie." Isabelle hit Jenna's arm and said, "Dude!"

     "What? It's not like you were gonna tell them!"

     "Okay, okay. Anyways. What are they doing here?"

     "They're gonna help me pack for tour."

     "You're going on tour with Twenty One PILOTS?!"

     "Yes, and keep it down! You know that there's an elderly couple next door!"

     "Fine. You know where the suitcases and bags are." She put her earbuds back in and walked back up the stairs, muttering something about how "it was a terrible idea to live beside of an elderly couple".

     Jenna walked over to a closet and opened it. She pulled out a suitcase. "Well, if anyone needs me, I'll be upstairs, packing."

     "I'll help," Cynthia said. They walked upstairs and entered her room. "Wow. And I thought your cousin was a major TOP fan." There were Twenty One Pilots posters all over the walls, and there were quite a few Twenty One Pilots hoodies and shirts scattered on the floor. "Why are the majority of your clothes on the floor?"

     "Oh, well, uh, that's from something that happened the other day."


     "Some guy tried to rob us, and he went into full pervert mode and looked through our closets and drawers. Luckily, Isabelle was able to get her baseball bat out and hit him in the head. Almost immediately, the police arrived and arrested him."

     "Does Tyler know?"

     "No. I haven't told him yet."

     "You need to tell him."

     "Later. Right now, we need to focus on packing." They began to clean up the room and pick out clothes Jenna would bring along during the tour. "Jenna?" Tyler was calling from the bottom of the staircase. "Yeah?"

     "Can you come down here real quick?"

     "Okay! I think we've got the clothes handled. Just get my laptop, laptop charger, tablet, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, tablet charger, and phone charger, then we'll be good to go." She ran down the stairs and said, "What do you need?" They all pulled her into the kitchen and shut the door behind them, then locked it. "Uh, what's going on? You're not gonna murder me, are you?"

     "What? Of course not. We just have something to tell you."

     "Okay. What is it?" Tyler began to look extremely nervous, so Gracie said it for him. "Tyler's gonna propose to Cynthia."

     "What? Are you serious?" He nodded, and she hugged him. "However....."

     "Wait. There's no however with this sort of thing."

     "He's just really nervous, and he's worried that she's gonna say no."

     "What? Tyler, she is in LOVE with you. She would never say no. For the past two months, she's been calling me and telling me about what a great guy you are, and how she has dreams where you guys get married and have kids and grow old together."

     "You're right. Thanks, Jenna."

     "You're welcome. Gracie, can you go and help Cynthia?"

     "Sure." She walked out of the kitchen, and as soon as she was up the stairs, they closed the door again. "You have something else to tell me?"

     "Yeah. Josh?" Josh sighed, then said, "I'm proposing to Gracie. Right after Tyler does." Jenna couldn't contain it. She let out a squeal of excitement. "I'm sure you'll both do fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and help. They don't know where my chargers go." She walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. The boys looked at each other and smiled. "We've got this."


     Two months ago, tour had started. For two months, they've been travelling the world. For two months, they've been telling people in person to stay alive.

     It was pretty great.

     Tyler was pacing back and forth backstage. This was it. This was the day he and Josh had been waiting for.

     They were going to propose.

     Josh held his arm out and stopped Tyler's pacing. "You'll do fine. Trust me." He nodded, then continued to pace. Josh sighed, then said, "Can you stop pacing?"


     "Why not?"

    "Habit I picked up. I always pace when I'm nervous."

     "Then don't be nervous."

     "I can't help it." He sighed before continuing. "I'm about to show just how much I love her. I can't help but question if she's going to reject me."

     "She's not going to."

     "How do you know that?"

     "Because I can see it in her eyes!" He was yelling. "I can see very clearly that she loves you to death!" Tyler stared at him. "She's not going to say no."

     "Okay. Then let's go. We have a show to perform."

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