Chapter Twenty Five

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     "I'm home!" Cynthia called out, listening for a response.


     Gerard looked at her, as if to say, "Are they normally this lazy?" She shrugged. She whispered, "You can head into the kitchen. I'll be right back." He nodded and walked into the kitchen. She walked upstairs and into her and Tyler's room. She crept over to the bed. Tyler shifted, then faintly whispered, "Cynthia." Then he said it louder. "Cynthia! Help me! Please!" She shook him. "Tyler, I'm right here." His eyes opened. He hugged her tightly and said, "Where did you go?"

     "I went out for a walk. I don't get it. You haven't had nightmares in so long. Why start now?"

     "My mind and body knew you weren't there, so I started panicking (AT THE DISCO LOL). I sleep better when you're here." She sat on the bed beside of him and kissed him. "This is what marriage is for, right? Never abandoning each other....." She grabbed his hand and squeezed it. " the other's darkest times." He nodded and smiled. "Now, there's someone here that I think will be excited to see you."







     "Mom or Dad?"

     "No. Just come and see." She stood up and grabbed his wrist, then tried to drag him out of bed.

     It wasn't working.

     She looked back at him. He gestured to his chest and said, "Cynthia, I'm not wearing a shirt." She face palmed. How did she not notice? "Okay. Then put on a shirt, and come downstairs when you're ready." She walked out of their room and down the stairs, into the kitchen. She saw Gerard sitting at the table, sipping his coffee. She sat down, and he said, "Where's Tyler?"

     "He's in our room. He's putting on a shirt."

     "Wait, did you guys-"

     "No, we did not. He just sleeps shirtless. I don't know why, though. You can ask him if you want."

     "No, thank you. I will leave the asking to you." She laughed, then sipped her coffee. Just then, she heard someone coming down the stairs. "Cynthia, if it's not my family, then who is it?" Tyler walked into the kitchen and stared at Gerard, who waved. He extended his arms and yelled, "GEE!" Gerard did the same and yelled, "TYJO!" He stood up, and they hugged. When they pulled away, Tyler said, "Wait, I thought you wouldn't be in town this week. Some convention?"

     "Well, the universe was a jackass-"


     "Like I would ever listen when it comes to cursing. Anyways, the universe was a jackass, and it got cancelled."

     "Oh. That's disappointing."

     "Right? Well, I don't know when they're going to reschedule it. But until then, I can stay in Columbus!"

     "What about Lindsay and Bandit?"

     "We're all in Columbus right now. They're currently at the hotel we're staying at."

     "Got it." Cynthia looked at Gerard and said, "When can we see them?"

     "Today, if you want." She ran upstairs and into Josh and Gracie's room. She sat on the bed and waited for them to open their eyes. Gracie opened one eye and whispered, "What are you doing?"

     "Waiting for you guys to wake up. Why are we whispering?"

     "Josh." She pointed at Josh, who was dead asleep. Cynthia gave her a look and whispered, "Can we just wake him up already?"


     "You know how." She wiggled her eyebrows, and Gracie shot her a look. "I am not moaning in his ear."

     "What? That's not what I meant! Jesus, talk about dirty-minded! I meant you jump on top of him and start singing a song."

     "What song?"

     "I don't know. Any song." Gracie grinned, then stood up and walked to the other side of the bed. She jumped on top of him and started singing loudly. "FAST FOOD GREASY TACO I LOVE! Nacho Bell Grande, Cheesy Gordita, I like your nachos like diarrhea, man, I really like Taco Bell!" He groaned and stared at her, then kissed her cheek and rolled over. Now she was under him. "Jishwa!" He didn't listen. He planted kisses all over her face, then kissed her on the lips. She kissed back, then said, "Can you get off of me?"

     "Sure, why not?" He rolled off of her and looked at Cynthia. "Why are we awake?"

     "We have a guest."

     "Why do we have to meet them?"

     "Because it's polite, and because you two will like him." Gracie raised her eyebrows. "So it's a him. Hmm. Doesn't tell us much, but I'll take it!" They got out of bed and followed Cynthia down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen and sat back down. Josh yelled "GEE!" and hugged him, while Gracie stood there, her mouth agape. She quickly closed it and yelled, "GERARD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Gerard stood up and hugged her. "Good to see you, too." He pulled away and said, "Sorry I couldn't make it to the weddings. I got busy. REALLY busy."

     "Well, you're here now, so I suppose that makes up for it." Tyler shrugged, then said, "We just have to get changed, then we can go and visit Lindsay and Bandit. We've all seen them before, right?"

     "Yeah. It'll be fine." Everyone took a shower and got changed. In the meantime, Cynthia and Gerard drank the rest of their coffee and talked about life in general. Gerard talked about Mikey, and Cynthia talked about the boys and tour. "So, they want to release a new album in November?"


     "What's it gonna be called?"

     "They didn't tell us. They can't tell us a thing about it. They said we're gonna have to wait, just like everyone else in the Clique."

     "Bummer. But I bet it's gonna be great!"


     "So, Tyler proposed to you during a concert?"

     "Yes. And Josh proposed to Gracie right before Tyler proposed to me."

     "I always like when that sort of thing happens."


     "Yeah. I don't know why. I just do."

     "Are you really the sass queen?"

     "Yes. I can be extremely sassy."

     "Wow. Maybe one day, I'll see that sass in action."

     "One day, one day. And maybe one day, you will learn how to have just as much sass. Give it time, young one." She laughed, and Gerard smiled. "What? It's true! You are young!"

    "Alright, alright." Tyler, Gracie, and Josh walked down the stairs. "We're ready to go!"

     "Alright. Then let's go!"

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