Chapter Eighteen

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     "Tyler Robert Joseph, do you take Cynthia Marie Crawford to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

     "I do." Tyler looked at Cynthia and smiled. She smiled back. "Cynthia Marie Crawford, do you take Tyler Robert Joseph to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

     "I do."

     "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." He took her face in his hands and kissed her. Everyone clapped and cheered. When they pulled away, she rested her forehead on his. "Until death do we part?"

     "Until death do we part."


     Everyone was dancing, laughing, and having a good time. Gracie ran up to Cynthia and hugged her. "You're Cynthia Joseph!"

     "I know. You're going to eventually be Gracie Dun."

     "I know. I'm so excited!" Gracie ran off to who knows where, and Josh walked up to her. "Cynthia, take good care of Tyler. He may look tough, but he has a fragile soul."

     "I'll try my best." She hugged him, then he walked back to Gracie, who was laughing her head off. She looked around, wondering where Tyler was, when she felt two hands go over her eyes. "Guess who."

     "I don't know. Tyler?" He pulled his hands away and stood in front of her. "You are correct."

     "Yay! What do I win?"

     "This." He leaned in and kissed her. "That was a nice prize."

     "Great." He was about to say something else, but then there was a large change in the music. It went from being ukulele screamo - the best kind of music, in Cynthia's opinion - to soft piano. She looked at him. He looked at her. Gracie ran up to them and said, "This is your cue, you guys! Go out to the center and dance while the other couples dance around you." She began to push them - with Josh's help, of course. Once they were at the center, Gracie and Josh walked away, hand in hand, and began to dance.

     Cynthia just stared at Tyler. "We have to dance?"


     "I haven't danced like this since that school dance we went to!"

     "I remember that day. The day I knew that I was truly in love." She blushed and looked down. He tilted her head up and said, "You'll be fine." He took his hand in hers and put his other hand on her waist. She put her other hand on his shoulder. They danced for what felt like hours, until Josh walked up onto the stage and whispered something in the deejay's ear. The deejay nodded and stopped the music. Cynthia looked at Josh and said, "What are you doing?"

     "You'll see." He took the microphone and said, "Hello. In case you don't know me, I'm Josh Dun, Tyler's best friend and best man. Now that I think about it, I'm the best at everything." Everyone laughed. Cynthia looked at Tyler and said, "I know what he's doing."


     "He's gonna start a rap battle." They looked back at Josh. "Well, not everything. I mean, Tyler's a better rapper than me. And Cynthia's better than me, too. But Tyler is the best."

     "No, he's not!" Gracie shouted. "Cynthia. Cynthia! Cynthia!" Soon, everyone was saying Cynthia. They both looked at each other, then they walked up onto the stage. They were both handed a microphone. "Tyler, I love you, but I'm better at rapping than you. What you do isn't even rap or hip-hop. Apparently, it's just another attempt to make the voices stop."

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