Chapter Seventeen

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     The crowd roared. Tyler stood up and hugged Cynthia tightly. He never thought this day would actually come.

     As soon as that one word came out of her mouth, balloons and confetti began to fall. She looked up and laughed. She looked back at him and kissed him. When they pulled away, he slipped the ring on her finger and said, "In due time, you will officially be Cynthia Joseph." They looked to their right and saw Jenna running across the stage, the banner she was holding flowing behind her as she ran. It said, "Congrats!" She ran up to Cynthia and hugged her. "Wow. Never thought I'd see Cynthia Crawford say yes to a proposal. You really love him, huh?"

     "Yeah, pretty much." They laughed, then looked out at everyone. "Tyler?"


     "How long have you been planning this?"

     "About four months."

     "Are you serious?"

     "Yeah. Why would I lie about such a thing?"

     "I don't know. You know, I really like the sound of Cynthia Joseph."

     "I like the sound of it, too. One of the twenty one reasons as why I proposed." She raised an eyebrow and said, "It just had to be twenty one reasons."

     "Yes. Yes, it did. After all, I am in Twenty One Pilots."

     "Yeah, I know." She took the microphone, got out a silver Sharpie, and told Tyler to sign it. "Why?"

     "Just do it." He signed it, then she said, "Anyone who catches this gets to keep it!" She drew her arm back and threw it as hard as she could. It went flying into the crowd. Someone held it up and yelled, "I caught it!" She gave them a thumbs-up, then turned back to Tyler. "I'd say this is, by far, the best way to propose."



     "Good. I was kind of hoping you'd say that." He put his arms around her, picked her up, and twirled, her hanging on for dear life while laughing. When he set her down, he kept his arms around her and kissed her softly. They heard an "Aww!" behind them. They turned around and saw Josh and Gracie kissing. The "Aww!" had come from Jenna. They pulled away, clearly embarrassed. Cynthia walked over to her best friend and put an arm around her. "Josh proposed, right?"


     "And you just got embarrassed when Jenna saw you guys kissing, right?"


     "Well, you can't get embarrassed by that any longer. You're gonna have to kiss in front of who knows how many people at your wedding." She groaned and said, "Dang it!" She laughed.

     Jenna walked up to her and said, "Best day ever?" Cynthia nodded and said, "Best day ever."


     "I've always wanted to wear a flower crown." Tyler and Cynthia were planning their wedding, with the help of Gracie, who had planned a wedding before. "Maybe everyone can wear flower crowns, and the colors of the crowns can correspond with that person's birth stone."

     "It might take a while to have all of them completed, but I think we can get it done. Speaking of which, how many people do you want to invite?"

     "Let's see. Our families are definitely coming. Then you, Josh, and Jenna. Anyone else?"

     "No, I think that's about it."

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