Chapter Twenty One (Pilots)

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     Justin walked up to Gracie, put his hand around her neck, and pinned her to the wall. She tried to pull his hand off, but he just held on tighter.

     She was about to pass out when the air rushed back into her lungs. She fell to the floor and just sat there, wondering what had happened. Then she looked up and saw Cynthia and Tyler holding Justin. Cynthia was repeatedly slapping him. "Don't ever hurt my friends again! DO YOU HEAR ME?!" She punched him in the stomach. He hit her hard, and she fell back. Tyler was still holding on to him, but he pushed him off and lunged at Cynthia. He punched her all over her entire body, leaving bruises. Then he did the unthinkable:

     He pulled a knife out of his pocket.

     Tyler, Gracie, and Josh tried to jump onto him to stop him from hurting Cynthia any further, but it was too late.

     He had cut her all over.

     Josh quickly called 911 and told them what happened. Then he whispered something in Gracie's ear. "They said they'll be here in a minute. Go upstairs and get the baseball bat." She nodded, then ran upstairs, into their room. She quickly grabbed the baseball bat, then ran back downstairs and hit Justin in the head with it. He immediately passed out. She kept hitting him. "THIS IS FOR PUNCHING MY FRIEND! THIS IS FOR CUTTING HER! THIS IS FOR MAKING HER AND TYLER'S LIVES LIVING NIGHTMARES! AND THIS IS FOR TRYING TO CHOKE ME!" She hit him one last time, then dropped the bat.

     She dropped it onto his head.

     Keep in mind that this was a METAL baseball bat.


     But he deserved it.

     The police burst through the door and dragged him outside, into the car. Two people jumped out of the ambulance with a stretcher and placed Cynthia onto it. Then they rushed her into the ambulance. One of them said, "Only one person can come with." Tyler said, "I will," then jumped into the ambulance with them. They closed the doors, then drove off.

     Meanwhile, an officer walked towards Gracie and Josh and said, "He'll be in jail for a long time, I can assure you that."

     "How long?"

   "We don't quite know yet, but what we do know is that you guys definitely won't be seeing him anytime soon." He walked back to the car, got inside, and drove off. They looked at each other. She hugged him tightly and said, "What if she doesn't make it?"

     "She will." He rested his head on hers. "She will."


     Cynthia slowly opened her eyes. She sat up and looked around. She was in the hospital yet again. She sighed, then saw a table beside of the bed. There was a bouquet of flowers on it, along with a picture of her and Tyler. She picked up the picture and smiled. She remembered the day that photo was taken.

**********Going back in time because I can, and no one can stop me.**********

     "Tyler, come on!" Cynthia was dragging Tyler all over the mall. She was trying to buy as much Twenty One Pilots merch as she could. She dragged him into a store and noticed two T-shirts that were really similar. She grabbed them both and told Tyler to try one on. They both tried them on, then bought them.

     When they got home, they put the shirts on and took a picture of it. He had his arm around her, and her head was on his shoulder. "Perfect." She set her phone down. She hugged him and said, "Thank you for letting me drag you around the mall today." He chuckled and said, "You're welcome."

**********And now we're heading back to the present.**********

     She messed with the frame and pulled the back away. There was a hidden piece of paper. She took it out, unfolded it, and read it. It said:

     "Dear, Cynthia,

     If you ever find this, then you're wide awake. Whoo!

     Guess I should tell you what's happened while you were asleep.

     First off, you've been asleep for about a week. Josh and Gracie actually got into an argument about what kind of flowers we should get you. It nearly got physical. I had to break it up and tell them that I was getting the flowers. They pouted, then moved on with their lives. Those two are weirdos.

     Justin actually got sent to jail. His sentence is 52 years. AND he has to pay for your medical bills. He's being put in jail next week. By the way, I wrote this on the 23rd of August. There should be a calendar on the table, under the bouquet. You can look at it and find out what day it is.

     Going back to Josh and Gracie, they told me to tell you that they really hope you're okay. Gracie was actually crying for a few days because she was so scared that you wouldn't make it.

     Cynthia, you've been in so many near-death experiences. I wish you hadn't. If I could, I would go back in time and make it so that I was in those experiences, not you.

     Look, I love you SO MUCH and I really hope that you can get out of the hospital soon. I'll try and visit you as soon as I can.


     She felt something wet run down her cheeks. She realized that she was crying. She quickly wiped her tears away and set the photo back down on the table, along with the letter. She sat there, thinking about what would happen after she left the hospital.

     She was in the middle of thinking when the door opened. There was Tyler, standing in the doorway.

     He ran over to her and hugged her. She hugged back and sobbed. He rubbed her back soothingly.

     Once their hug ended, he sat down beside of the bed and looked at her. "You were crying before I came in." She sniffled and said, "Yeah. I read the letter." He took her hand in his and squeezed it. "Cynthia, I will always be right by your side. We'll get through anything." She nodded and squeezed back. Just then, Josh and Gracie walked in, holding balloons and flowers. They gave it all to her, and she laughed. She hugged them both, then smiled.

     For the first time in her life, she believed it.

     People cared about her.


A/N: That was the twenty first chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Cynthia, in a way, actually represents me. I'm pretty messed up in here - points at head - and it's taken me a bit to understand that people care. Right, well, I will post the next chapter as soon as I can. Bye!

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