Chapter Thirteen

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     Cynthia opened her eyes. What she saw was a bright light that hurt her eyes. "Turn the light off," she said weakly. Her throat was on fire. The light went off, then someone said, "She's awake." Their voice cracked. She recognized that voice almost immediately.


     He leaned over her and said, "How do you feel?"

     "Tired. How long was I out?"

     "A month."

     "What happened?"

     "You cut yourself and ended up losing a large amount of blood, so we drove you to the hospital and they told us you were in a coma."

     "Why did I cut myself?"

     "Because of something extremely idiotic Gracie said." The memories came flooding back. "Can you bring Gracie over here so I can STRANGLE HER?!"

     "I'll bring her over, but you won't be able to strangle her."

     "Why not?"

     "Well, for starters, you're most likely extremely weak. Plus, you're hooked up." She had needles and tubes all over her body. "Fair point. Just bring her over."

     "All right. Gracie!" Gracie walked into the room. As soon as she saw Cynthia, she burst into tears. "You're awake! Oh, my God, you're awake!" She ran over and hugged her tightly. Cynthia pushed her away as best as she could. "What's wrong?" Gracie asked. "I don't know. Let's think. I cut myself because of YOUR ridiculous comment. And you're not even APOLOGIZING?!"

     "Oh, right. Look, I'm really sorry. Now, after you get out of here, how about we have a girl's day?"

     "No! I can't forgive you just like that. I could have DIED. Also, you know that I'm a tomboy! Why would you even SUGGEST that?!"

     "All right. You know what? I really am sorry. I tried not to say that comment, but YOU pushed me. You kept telling me to tell you, even though I didn't want to."

     "I only asked you twice. How is that pushing you?"

     "I don't know! Just accept my apology."

     "I can't. Not that easily." Gracie sighed, then walked out of the room. Tyler looked at Cynthia and said, "They said that you can be released the day after you wake up."

     "Really? That's a little soon in my opinion, but okay."

     "And guess what?"


     "Your birthday's tomorrow! I was thinking we could celebrate!"

     "I completely forgot! What are we gonna do?"

     "Can't say. It's a surprise." She thought about it, then realized something. "Wait. It's been a month, right?" He nodded. "Wasn't tour supposed to start?"

     "We decided to postpone it because of what happened. Surprisingly enough, everyone in the Clique was okay with it!"

     "So, when's tour actually going to start?"

     "A week from now."

     "Amazing. So, now what?"

     "I don't know. Do you wanna get some more rest?"

     "I guess."

     "Okay." He kissed her forehead, then sat down in the chair next to the bed and let her fall into a deep sleep.

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