Lucas turmoil

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His immensely confused. On one hand he has the perfect Riley, the girl he was literally forced to like yet in the end he genuinely did like her. She's like a ray of sunshine and happiness. Innocent and carefree any guy would like her. It helps that she's cute too but he knows he doesn't want just sunshine and all that she represents,being in a relationship with her before didn't work out. Yes they were young and immature but he cannot seem to envision a future with her. Maya on the other hand is a challenge. She's spitfire and rain. She's filled with insecurities and hurt. She's beautiful too both on the inside and out,she's the most loyal person he has encountered. Maybe its because she has been hurt before which makes her realise she never wants them to feel what she felt but she puts her needs before anyone else. She handles disappointment like a pro. He meant what he said when he told her he wants her to be happy. When she's happy her eyes light up like the world is one fascinating subject. He hates that the only time it lights up like that is when she's drawing, singing or in the presence of Riley. He doesn't know what to do. He would choose Maya any day, but he wouldn't ever break her friendship with Riley. Its the one thing that makes her happy for a long period of time.
When she told him to go tell Riley he loves her,he was astounded. He knew her reasons. He knew she stepped back once again. For Riley. She always does these selfless things that makes him respect and adore her more. She's broken but she doesn't show it.
God,how is he suppose to be with Riley when he actually wants to be with Maya?. He wouldn't handle it if she's around and available while his with Riley when his heart isn't in it. He loves his friends. How did he end up in a situation where they both fell in love with him?
He knows his to be blamed because he indulged them. He didn't shut the door on Riley when he had the chance. He should've he knows but he couldn't do that to her. He couldn't break her yet he didn't know that while he was saving Riley ,he was breaking Maya.
God this is so screwed up.
He could see the pain in her eyes when she told him to go get Riley. He wanted so desperately to take her in his arms and assure her he wants her. He really did but all he could do was sit still and stare out of space.

He needs to talk to Riley. He needs to do what he was suppose to do a while back. It would hurt her but when has anyone not been hurt?. Its part of life.

Riley needs to be brought to reality.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything or make any money out of it. It's purely my weird imagination.

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